What type of math was introduced by mathematician Al-Khwarizmi?
Reciting this Surah will allow a light to shine for you from one Friday until the next
Surah Kahf
Which prophet was able to heal the blind?
Prophet Isa AS
How many Muslims are there in the world?
About 2 billion
What is the name of the bridge that all mankind will have to cross on the Day of Judgment?
This monument in an iconic symbol of love and an architectural masterpiece in India.
The Taj Mahal
This Surah protects you from the punishment of the grave
Surah Mulk
Who built the Kaaba?
Prophet Ibrahim & Ismaeel
What country houses the most Muslims in the world?
Indonesia (87% Muslim)
How many pillars of faith are there? Name at least 3
Belief in: Allah, angels, revealed scriptures, messengers, day of judgment, and decree
These ingenious devices were created by Muslim inventors like Al-Jazari, which showcased early engineering and mechanical skills.
Water Clocks and Automata
How many verses are there in the Quran?
Approximately how many years did Prophet Nuh (AS) live for?
950+ years
1402 years old (Al-Masjid an-Nabawi)
This mosque located in Iraq, is known for its unique spiral minaret.
The Great Mosque of Samarra
Which Sarah in the Quran starts without Bismillah?
Surah Tawbah
How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf Have?
The first emigration of Muslims in Mecca was to where?
This mosque is famous for its forest of columns and arches, it showcases the architectural sophistication of Islamic Spain
The Great Mosque of Córdoba
What was the name of the surah that convinced Umar (RA) to accept Islam after he confronted his sister and her husband?
Surah Taha
Which prophet had control over jinn?
Prophet Sulaiman AS
Give the modern day names of these 2 nations during the time of the prophet SAW: Misr and Abyssinia
Egypt and Ethiopia
What do we call the angels who write down what we do?
Kiraman Katibin, names are Raqib and Atid