Which prophet was the Injil revealed to?
Isa (as)
How many surahs are in the Quran?
How were the Muslims able to win in the Battle of Badr?
thousands of angels (1000-5000) were sent down to fight on the side of the Muslims
Who was the most beloved wife of the Prophet (saw)?
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (radi allahu anha)
Which prophet was known to have half of the world's beauty?
Who was the prophet mentioned the most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa
Who is the only woman that is mentioned by name in the Quran?
Maryam (as)
Which battle did the Muslims suffer from a strategic mistake?
Battle of Uhud
How old was the Prophet (saw) when he first received revelation?
40 years old
What is the first month of the Islamic calendar?
Which prophet is known as the Father of the Prophets?
Prophet Ibrahim (as)
What is the only surah in the Quran that doesn't start with "Bismillah"?
(considered a continuation of Surah al-Anfal)
Battle of Khandaq (battle of the trenches)
Who were the biggest enemies of the Prophet (saw)?
the Quraish
Bilal ibn Rabah (radi allahu anhu)
Which significant leader of the Quraysh was killed in the Battle of Badr?
Abu Jahl
Who was the uncle that provided protection for the Prophet (saw)?
Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib
What is the subject matter of the longest verse in the Quran?
debt laws
In the Battle of Uhud, who was leading the Quraysh forces?
Who was the caretaker of the Prophet (saw) from birth until age two?
Halima (radi allahu anha)