Which Angel brought the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) the quran?
True or false: Prophet Ibrahim survived being thrown into a fire and parted the red sea.
False. Prophet Ibrahim (SAW) survived being thrown into the fire. It was prophet Musa (SAW) who parted the Red Sea.
What are Muslims encouraged to do during Ramadan?
increase their prayers, recite quran, and engage in acts of kindness and charity etc.
Which name of Allah means The Forgiver?
Al-Ghaffar or Al-Rahman
The best of you are those who ____ the quran and teach others.
Which eid do we slaughter a goat?
Name 10 of the 25 prophets that were named by Allah
Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu'aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. Peace be upon them all.
What age do you have to start fasting?
Once you hit Puberty.
Allah is As-salam. Which means?
The source of peace
True or False: When you make dua while it's raining, your dua will get accepted.
Who built the Kaaba?
Prophet Ibrahim (SAW) and his son Ismail (SAW).
Which prophet went from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night and went to heaven to meet Allah??
Prophet Muhammed (SAW)
What eid comes after Ramadan?
Eid al-Fitr
What does Al-Malik mean?
The king
Every step you take towards a prayer, a ___ is removed.
What is Qadr?
Believing that Allah knows everything that will happen and has planned it all perfectly.
Which prophet healed the sick and raised the dead?
Prophet Isa (SAW)
Ramadan is the month of....
(Don't say Fasting)
Rahmah (Mercy)
What is name of Allah that describes him as the Truth?
True or false: Angels can recite quran so when we recite quran, so wehn we recite quran they gather to listen.
Name the 6 pillars of Iman
Hint: Belief in...
Belief in Allah, Belief in Angels, Belief in the divine books, Belief in the Messengers, Belief in the last day, Belief in Qadr
Prophet ____ was the father of 12 sons including Prophet Yusuf (SAW).
Prophet Yaqub (SAW)
What is the dua' said before breaking the fast?
ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ
Which names of Allah means The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing?
How old will you be in Jannah (inshallah)?
Everyone will be 33 years old.