Known to be very wise, he was a king and a Prophet
Who is Sulaiman?
The month during which the Quran was revealed
What is Ramadan?
Adam and Eve used the leaves of this tree to cover themselves
What is fig?
This city is known as the City of the 1000 Minarets
What is Cairo?
These two hills are where Prophet Ibrahim left his wife Hajar and son Ishamel
What is Safa and Marwa?
The number of suras (chapters) in the Quran
What is 114?
The Quran mentions four rivers of the following in Paradise
What is water, milk, honey, wine
Most Muslims live in this Asian country
What is Indonesia?
Gracious, pious and wise, Ibrahim was called the ________ of God
What is Al-Khalil (Friend)
This gate to Paradise admits only those who fast
What is Rayyan?
The number of times Muslims go around the Kaaba during Tawaf?
What is 7?
The son of Mary who received the Injeel or Gospel
Who is Jesus?