What month was the Quran was revealed in.
This prophet was thrown into a fire but was unharmed.
Ibrahim (AS)
What is the name of the battle where the muslims dug ditches?
The battle of khandaq
What is the name of the peace agreement?
The treaty of hudaibiyah
This prophet’s staff turned into a snake as a sign from Allah.
Musa (AS)
This surah has only three verses and is one of the shortest in the Quran.
Surah Al-Kawthar
This prophet could interpret dreams and became a ruler in Egypt. What was his name?
Yusuf (AS)
What was the name of the first major battle in islam?
The battle of Badr
Name all of the battles we have learnt about in order.
Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khaybar, Muttah, Hunayn
This prophet built the Kaaba with his son.
Ibrahim (AS)
How many surah's are in the Quran
This prophet was tested with extreme sickness but remained patient.
Ayub (AS)
In what battle did Hamza (RA) die?
The battle of Uhud
How many idols were in the Kaba when the prophet Mohamed (PBUH) took over Makkah
This prophet had 12 sons, including Yusuf.
Yaqub (AS)
What was the first word revealed in the Quran?
This prophet was sent to the people of Thamud, who were destroyed for their disbelief.
Salih (AS)
What was the name of the battle between the jews who lived in forts?
The battle of Khaybar
Who was the king who accpeted islam and then soon died?
King Najashi
This prophet’s people asked for a she-camel as a miracle, but they later killed it and were punished.
Salih (AS)
What Surah is named after a fruit?
This prophet’s father was also a prophet, and he was nearly sacrificed as a test from Allah.
Ismail (AS)
What was the name of the battle between the muslims and the christians?
The battle of Muttah
What was the name of the Quraish leader who answered the questions of the king Heraclius, the roman emperor
Abu Sufyan
This prophet was the brother of Musa and served as his helper.
Harun (AS)