This prophet built the ka'bah with his son Ismaeel.
Who is Ibrahim (as)
Shortest surah in the Quran.
What is Al-Kauther?
The city where our Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam was born.
Where is Makkah al-Mukarramah?
The prophet was this age when the Quran was revealed to him.
What is 40 years old?
The first month of Islam.
What is Muharram?
This prophet, who was also a king, had the power to talk to the animals and jinns.
Who is prophet Sulaiman (as)?
This is another name for the last three surahs in the Quran.
What is Al-Mu'awwidhatayn?
The name of our Holy prophets father.
Who is Abdullah ibn abd al-Muttalib?
She was the first person who professed islam.
Who is his wife, Khadija bint khuwaylid?
This prophet is also known by the name 'Israel.
Who is prophet Ya'qub (as)?
This prophet was thrown in a well as a young man, sold as a slave, falsely accused, imprisoned and then became a high official treasurer in Egypt.
Who is prophet Yusuf (as)?
This is the recommended surah to read after Fajr. (The heart of the Quran)
What is Surah Yasin?
This is the name of the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad (sas).
What is Quraish?
After migration from the city of Makkah to the city of Madinah, the prophet lived in the city for this many years.
What is ten years?
The nation of Thamud killed this animal.
What is a Camel?
His people's punishment was having Angle Jibril (as) pick up the land they were on, raise it high, turn it upside down, and drop it. (He and his followers had left this city, so they were saved.)
Who is prophet Lut (as)?
The purpose behind Allah's order of slaughtering a cow in Surah Al-Baqarah.
What is to reveal who the disputed murderer was?
This person took care of the prophet after both his parents passed away.
Who is Abdul Muttalib?
During this battle the Quraysh advanced towards the muslims, who defended themselves in Medina by digging a trench around the settlement.
What is the Battle of Khandaq (battle of the trench)?
This is the name of the prophets wife who was never married before?
Who is Aisha?
This prophet was sent to the Nation of 'Aad.
Who is prophet Hud (as)?
The human being is created in the best of molds is a verse in this surah.
What is Surah At Tin?
This is the year our prophet was born. (year of the elephant)
What is 570 CE? (571)
This is the name of the first Battle of Islam.
What is Battle of Badr?
These are the names of the prophets four daughters.
Who are zainab, Ruqayya, Umm Kulthum, Fatima?