What is Rajab?
Prep for Ramadan. Sins are weighed more and time for good deeds.
How long do we fast in Ramadan ? And from what time to what time?
30 days / sun rise to sun down
What month comes after Rajab and before Ramadan?
What do you say during sujud?
Subhana Rabbiyal A3la
Which 3 surahs do we read everynight before we sleep?
Ikhlas, Falaq, Nas
What is one good deed a person can do during Rajab?
Seek forgiveness, do thikir, improve salah, sincere good deeds.
What does a person say before they end salah? (after sujud)
Tahiyat & Salat Al-Ibraheema (must say it)
Which city is the Kaabah in?
What surah do we read every Friday?
What is the salah called that you can wake up and pray if you really want something?
Name 3 relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and who they were to him.
Aminah - mother, Abdallah - father , Abdul Mutallib -grandfather
accept more answers.
Which aya was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during revelation?
Which surah is Ayat Al-Kursi in?