In which language was the Quran revealed?
Who is known as the "Father of Prophets"?
Ibrahim (as)
What is the name of the battle that took place in a fort?
The battle of Khaybar
How many pilgrimages are there?
2, 1 small and 1 big
What is the name of the agreement made between the Quraish and the prophet Mohamed (PBUH)
The treaty of Hudaibiyah
How many verses are in Surah Al-Kawthar?
Which Prophet was swallowed by a whale?
Yunis (As)
In what battle did the Angels fight with the Muslims against the Quraysh?
The battle of Badr
What is the name of the big pilgrimage?
How many years did the treaty of Hudaibiyah last
10 years
Who was the Quran revealed to?
Mohamed (PBUH)
Which prophet split the moon?
Mohamed (PBUH)
In which battle did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ get injured?
What is the name of the small Pilgrimage?
What was the name of the prophets wife who got lost whilst looking for something dear to her?
Aisha (RA)
What is the name of the last surah in the Quran?
Surah An-Nas
(bonus 100 if you read the surah)
Which prophet was known for his patience and was tested with illness?
Ayub (as)
After which battle did a Jewish woman try to poison the prophet?
The battle of Khaybar
What couldn't the Muslims do in the first year of the treaty of Hudaibiyah?
Visit Makkah
How many chapters are in the Quran ? Juzz
Which prophet could communicate with animals and control the wind?
Suleiman (as)
What was the outcome of the Battle of Khaybar?
The Jewish tribes surrendered, and they agreed to remain in Khaybar under Muslim rule while paying a share of their crops as tribute.
What is the name of the salah that is performed after Isha prayers in ramadan?
Which king wanted to accept islam but was afraid of losing his throne and power?