The number of times Muslims go around the Kaaba during Tawaf?
Double Jeopardy
Name the Surah that is named after a basic pillar of Islam?
Suratul Hajj.
How old was Muhammad (PBUH ) when his mother passed away?
6 years old
Who is the wet nurse of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)?
Haleemah As-Sa’diyyah
What is the name of the largest ocean on earth?
Pacific Ocean
When water is not available to do Wudu, you can do this instead
Double jeopardy
Name the Uncles of the Prophet (PBUH) that were alive when Nabi Muhammad became a Prophet. Next tell me from them who became a Muslim and who stayed disbelieving in the call of the Prophet.
Abu Talib and Abu Lahab- Stayed Disbelieving
Abbas and Hamzah- became Muslims
Who was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad?
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
Which country borders 14 nations and crosses 8 time zones?
This gate to Paradise admits only those who fast
Al Rayyan
These two hills are where Prophet Ibrahim left his wife Hajar and son Ishamel
Safa and Marwa
For whom the Qura'nic verse of tayammum was revealed?
Mother of believers, Aishah
Double Jeopardy
Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (in 1903)?
Marie Curie
The special white clothes Muslims wear during Hajj is called
What is the number of verses in the Quran?
Who was called "The Lion of Allah"?
Hamza Ibn Abdul-Muttalib
Who is the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) who married Ali ibn Abi Talib?
Fatima Zahra
How many languages are written from right to left?
This Salat has no ruku' or suujud?
Salat Janazah
Double Jeopardy
It was narrated that the Prophet peace be upon him said: " Suratul Hud and its' sisters have made me old" what are the sisters of Surah Hud and what did the Prophet mean when he said they made me old?
Wakiah, al mursalat, Naba' and Takweer.
All those surats mentioned the horrors of resurrection, and the torment and the sorrows that accompanied the destruction of the nations who were non-believers.
روى الترمذي عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ عن ابنِ عبّاسٍ قالَ : قالَ أَبُو بَكْر رضي الله عنه: “يَا رَسُولَ الله قَدْ شِبْتَ. قالَ: شَيّبَتْنِي هُودٌ وَالْوَاقِعَةُ وَالمُرْسَلاَتُ و {عَمّ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ} و {إِذَا الشّمْسُ كُوّرَتْ}”.
Which Battle did Most of the hufaaz (memorized the Quran) Companions died in.
Battle of Al-Yamaama
About 360 huffaz (Muslims who had memorized the Qur'an) died at Yamama. The battle played a major role in motivating Abu Bakr to complete the compilation of the Qur'an. During the life of Muhammad, many parts of the written Quran were scattered among his companions, retained as private possession.
Who had participated in the battle of Jamal among the mother of believers?
Which sea creature has three hearts?