Ramadan is the special month when Muslims do this from sunrise to sunset
What is fasting
Before fasting begins, Muslims wake up early to eat this meal
What is Suhoor
Muslims do extra of this in Ramadan (Hint: there is 2 answers)
What is prayers and charity
Allah سبحانه وتعالى gives us many of these when we do good deeds in Ramadan
What is rewards
This is the name of the holiday at the end of Ramadan
What is Eid al-Fitr
Muslims fast in Ramadan to become closer to
Allah سبحانه وتعالى
After sunset, this meal is eaten to break the fast
What is Iftar
What is Zakat al-Fitr
Fasting helps us feel thankful for this daily blessing
What is food and water
Muslims greet each other on Eid by saying
What is Eid Mubarak
Ramadan is the ______ pillar of Islam
What is 4th pillar
The Prophet ﷺ used to break his fast with
What is dates/tamir
This is a special prayer prayed only in Ramadan
What is Taraweeh
You get the reward of fasting if you do this action
What is feeding a fasting person.
This special prayer is prayed on the 1st of Shawwal
What is Eid prayer
Ramadan is the ___ month of the Islamic calendar
What is the 9th month
If someone forgets and eats while fasting, they should
What is continue fasting
In Ramadan these three things happen as a Mercy and Favor from Allah سبحانه وتعالى to his servants
What are the gates of hell are closed, gates of heaven open, and the devils are chained up.
On Eid, families do this together to celebrate (Hint: there are 3 answers)
What is eat delicious food, wear nice clothes, and visit/ spend time with family and friends
This important event took place in the month of Ramadan
What is the revelation of the Qur'an
Fasting teaches Muslims to be grateful and to have this special feeling for those who don’t have enough food
What is compassion
When we fast, we should not only stop eating and drinking but also avoid
What is saying bad words or being unkind
The gate of heaven dedicated to those who fast is called
What is Ar-Rayyan
In the first rak'ah of Salat al-Eid, after the first/opening Takbir, we say Allahu Akbar ______ more times
What is 6