This gate to Paradise admits only those who fasted.
This night is better than a thousand months ( worshipping Allaah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, 83 years and 4 months).
Laylatul Qadr
When do we start and end our fast?
We start our fast at suhoor and end our fast in Iftaar.
The year ( in the Hijri Calendar) that Ramadan was made obligatory.
2nd year of Hijra
These two things will come to you on the Day of Judgement if practiced daily.
Quran & Fasting
The month during which the Quran was revealed
You get the reward of fasting if you do this action
Feeding a fasting person.
What is Suhoor? When do we eat the meal of Suhoor?
Suhoor is what we eat in the morning before we fast, it's before Fajr.
The amount of people needed to say the beginning of Ramadan started (i.e. Sighting the moon)
What is one honest Muslim
What is the name of the night prayers during Ramadan
What is the arabic word for fasting?
The reward for Fasting in Ramadan.
Taqwa (having the fear of Allah SWT)
Allah SWT is not in need of him who fasts but does not give up these two things.
Giving up lies and evil actions
The number of people needed to say the end of Ramadan started (i.e. Eid)
Two honest Muslims
Who are locked up in Ramadan by Allah?
Fasting in Ramadaan is equivalent to fasting____months.
10 Months
Which pillar of Islam is fasting
The 4th Pillar
What is the meal we eat at sunset called?
It is important to do this action to fast the month of Ramadan, and it should be done before Fajr.
Intention of fasting Ramadan.
You have to be quick to do this. ( Hint:It's during Maghrib time)
Breaking the fast. (Iftar)
This act of worship will remove your face form the Hell-Fire by a distance of 70 years.
This act will be equivalent to doing Hajj with Rasullah PBUH
Umrah in Ramadan
The Prophet (SAW) instructed his wife Aisha (RA) to say this if she knew which night was Laylatul Qadr. (Hint: it is a dua)
What is اللهم إنك عفوٌ تُحِبُ العفوَ فاعفُ عَني Allahumma innaka 'affuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni' O Allâh! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me.