Who is your God?
My God is Allah.
Name one of the Hijri Months.
Rabi the first
Rabi the second
Jumada the first
Jumada the second
Name any Hadith you know.
"Don't get angry."
What is the prophet's full name (PBUH)?
Mohammed (PBUH) Ibn-Abdullah Ibn-Abdul-Muttalib
What is the first Surah in the Quran?
Surah Al-Fatehah
Who is your Prophet?
My Prophet is Mohamed (PBUH).
Which month do we fast in?
What is the hadith that you say when going to bed?
"In your name, O Allah, I shall die and live." or "Bismika Allahumma amutu wa ahya."
What is the name of the prophet's mother?
Aminah bint-Wahab.
What is the longest surah in the Quran?
Surah Al-Baqarah
Who is your enemy?
The Devil (Shaitan) is my enemy.
Which month was the prophet (PBUH) born in?
Rabi the first.
Complete the Hadith "whoever has hair..."
"...should honor(take care of) it."
Who is the prophet's (PBUH) best friend?
Abu Bakr.
What is the shortest surah?
Surah Al-Kauthar.
Why did Allah create us?
To worship him.
In which month and day do Muslims celebrate Eid-al-Fitr?
The first day of Shawwal.
Complete the Hadith "if anyone forgets a prayer..."
"... he should pray it, when he remembers."
Who is the prophet's (PBUH) Wife?
Lady Khadija bint-Khawylid.
What was the first surah sent down by Allah to the prophet(PBUH)?
Surah Al-Alaq
Name two books that Allah sent down to the messengers.
A) Quran
B) Torah (Tawraat)
C) Bible (Injeel)
D) Zaboor
E) Ibrahim's & Moses's pages
In which month and day do Muslims celebrate Eid-al-Adha?
the tenth of Zhul-Hijjah.
What is the meaning of Hadith?
What the Prophet Mohammed(PBUH) said (The talk of the prophet).
What is the Sirah?
The biography of the prophet (PBUH).
What is the Quran?
The words of Allah.