Seerah of Mohammad (S)
Attributes of Allah
Objectives of the Qur'an
Tafseer for Surat Al Mulk
Divine Wisdom
Pre Islamic Arabia

How many years did Rasul Allah (S) get to spend with his mother?

Only two years of his life. 


Name 3 objectives of the Qur'an.

The Qur'an is the map

The Qur'an is guidance 

The Qur'an teaches us how to live in society. 


Which Juzu' is Surat Al Mulk in?

Juzu' 29.


What was the Divine Wisdom behind the passing of Abdullah, son of Abdul Mutallib?

Abdul Mutallib refused to accept that he would ever lose his son Abdullah. Allah took Abdullah to show Abdul Mutallib that he can not escape death.

What was the name of Mecca before Islam?
When Ibrahim (AS) stumbled upon uninhabited land, he called it Becca.

How many children did Rasul Allah (S) have, and in what order were they born. 

The Prophet (S) had six children with his beloved wife, Khadijah Bin Khwaylid. 

Al- Qasim-> Zaynab (R)-> Ruqayyah (R)-> Umm Kulthum -> Fatimah -> Abdullah.


What are the promises that Allah (SWT) made to his servants?

He promised paradise to the believers who do acts of goodness. He promised that for the disbelievers they will face hellfire. Allah promises to increase our wealth if we give for his sake. 


What is the definition of Mulk?



Why did Allah (SWT) save the Ka'ba from destruction at the hands of evil people?

To show the power and might of Allah (SWT), and to show that the Ka'ba could not be protected by any man, or circumstance. No amount of bravery or persistence can achieve what Allah (SWT) is capable of.


What is the relationship of Abu Taleb and Muhammad (S)? Literally and otherwise. 

Abu Talib was the prophet (S)'s uncle in literal terms but he was so much more than that. He was his constant supporter and was more like a father to Muhammad (S) to the point that he loved him just as much as his own children if not more. Abu Taleb was also the guardian of Rasul (S) when his grandfather passed away. When Rasul Allah (S) became older, he began to look after Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (his cousin) to support his uncle during a very difficult time where there was a draught in Mecca.


What is the difference between and gift and a reward?

A gift is not given for achieving anything. A reward is granted to those who work hard and earn it.


What are the two names of Surat Al Mulk?

Al Munjiyyeh: The savior

Al Mani'ah: The preventor


Why when Allah (SWT) saved the Ka'ba from the attempted destruction of Abraha did he use the contrast of birds and elephants?

This contrast between elephants and birds created a monumental example for the opponent of Allah (SWT). It would take about 30,000 birds to be the same size as one elephant yet, it still may not have the same strength. Yet Allah (SWT) was able to cause major destruction, more powerful than any other natural disaster with a number of birds and clay pebbles. To emphasize the might of Allah (SWT).


How were Abu Sufyan and Muhammad (S) related?

Abu Sufyan was Muhammad (S)'s foster brother and nursed by Halimah, but he was also his cousin.


What is the Qur'an NOT?

A story book and a history book.


What does the word Yakhshawna mean? 

Believers who are mindful and strive for the sake of Allah (SWT) publicly and privately. 


What is the Divine Wisdom of Allah (SWT) taking away any parental influence of Muhammad (S)?

One of the Divine wisdoms of removing parents from the life of the Prophet was to ensure that our beloved prophet was not mistaken (The Quraysh) for being groomed into becoming a celebrity, etc. Another thing to consider is that when Rasul Allah (S) endured these difficult trials in his lifetime, it made him a more empathetic and kinder person, adding to his compassion. His compassion mirrored a response of compassion and empathy, and love from his Ummah. 


All of Muhammad (S)'s children died before Muhammad (S) except for which child? How long after his death did she pass away?

Fatimat Uzahra (R).

She died six months after her father.


What was Allah (SWT)'s promise to Musa (AS)'s mother?

That he would reunite her with her son, protect Musa, and make him a prophet of Allah (SWT).

Why does surat Al Mulk open with Tabaraka?

It is exalting Allah (SWT), and it is to prepare us that everything known to man from fate to our death and birthdate comes from him. 


What is the significance of the Sa'i in Safa and Marwa?

Even though we remember Hajar (R) whenever we perform the Sa'i of Safa and Marwa. The purpose is not to glorify Hajar but rather to help us understand and appreciate the divine connection in our lives. Simply put, Allah SWT is our only protector and our only planner and it is Allah (SWT) who is capable of rescuing his worshipper.