Define the words Haasid and Mahsood.
Haasid: One who is jealous of someone else. 50 pts
Mahsood: One whom the Haasid is jealous of. 50 pts
What is riya?
Showing off/Putting on a show for someone other than Allah. 100 pts
What is takabbur?
Pride and arrogance. 100 pts
What is Ujb and what is its opposite?
Ujb: Being impressed with yourself 50 pts
The opposite of ujb is acknowledging that everything you have is from Allah and praise Him for that. 50 pts
Translate Ya's.
Despair or hopelessness. 100 pts
How is the story of Prophet Yusuf (A) related to Hasad? How is the famous story of Iblis and Prophet Adam related to Hasad?
All of Prophet Yusuf (A)'s brothers (except Benyameen, or Benjamin) were jealous of the love their father had for him. 100 pts
The story of Iblis and Prophet Adam has nothing to do with jealousy. Iblis was arrogant towards Prophet Adam. 100 pts
Name two forms riya can take place in.
Body and dress, speech, action.... 200 points for mentioning any two
What are two types of takabbur?
Takabbur against Allah
Takabbur against prophets
Takabbur against others
200 pts for listing any two. (100 pts each)
Name ONE treatment for ujb and explain why the following treatment cannot cure ujb:
Avoid comparing ourselves with others for purposes which are not beneficial.
TREATMENT-Be in the remembrance of Allah and to attribute all goodness and perfection to Him. 100 pts
The treatment mentioned in the question cannot cure ujb but may be able to cure only takabbur because ujb does not have anything to do with the comparison to others. 100 pts
What is the cure of Tawheed in the context of Ya's?
It is a cure for Ya's (100 pts) by learning about Allah's attributes and constantly keeping them in mind so that one does not despair in His mercy. (100 pts)
What are three of signs of a Haasid according to Luqman?
He does Ghibah of the Mahsood in his absence, flatters him in his presence, and celebrates the misfortunes of the Mahsood. 100 pts each
Name three signs of a person inflicted with riya according to Imam Ali (A).
-One becomes enthusiastic when others see him.
-One is lazy when alone.
-One enjoys being praised for all he does.
100 pts each.
Name three consequences of takabbur.
- One will not enter heaven
- It is ugliest of spiritual defect
- It attracts abuse and hostility of others
- There is a special valley in hell reserved for those who are arrogant
300 pts total, 100 pts each.
Name any three types of ujb.
Ujb that has to do with
-Physical appearance
300 total: 100 each
True or False:
1-The desire to seek Allah’s forgiveness is itself a sign of Allah’s mercy.
2-Fudayl b. ‘Ayyad did not repent to Allah for His past sins due to his despair in His forgiveness.
3-Imam Hasan (a) used to say, “Sometimes, a believer with ask Allah, the Exalted, to fulfill his need, but Allah will delay granting it, because He loves to hear his voice [in supplication] and to listen to his tearful pleas.”
300 pts total: 100 pts each.
a) Name three consequences of Hasad. (100 pts each)
b) What is the difference between Hasad and Ghibtah.
-Ruin and wretchedness [counts as one, but one word (ruin or wretchedness) is sufficient]
-Loss of Iman
-Destroys the body.
300 pts for naming any three (100 pts each)
Hasad is always a negative trait, whereas Ghibtah (envy) may sometimes be a good thing and can motivate you to be a better person. 100 pts
Name two consequences of riya and briefly describe them.
Riya is shirk
Riya leads to being deprived of Allah's reward
There are consequences in the hereafter
400 pts: 200 for listing two consequences and 200 for explanations.
Name four ways to treat Hasad.
Carefully monitor your actions
Remember where you came from and what you will become.
Be in the remembrance of Allah
Reflect upon the likes of others
400 pts total (100 pts each).
a) Explain why the following verse does not describe ujb:
Certainly We gave David and Solomon knowledge, and they said, ‘All praise belongs to Allah, who granted us an advantage over many of His faithful servants.’ Solomon inherited from David, and he said, ‘O people! We have been taught the speech of the birds, and we have been given out of everything. Indeed this is a manifest advantage.’ (An-Naml, 15-16)
b) What does the story of Qarun have to do with ujb?
a) They acknowledged their blessing (50 pts) and they were thankful to Allah (SWT) for it (150 pts).
b) He did not thank Allah (SWT) for the blessing of wealth (100 pts) and instead said that it was from his own knowledge he was able to amass all that wealth; thus, Qarun had ujb. 100 pts.
Name eight ways to avoid depressive states.
-Cure of Tawheed
-Regular Exercise
-Halal Entertainment
-Avoiding Haram
-Performing Wajibaat
400 total: 50 pts each.
List four treatments for Hasad and briefly describe any one of them.
Answers may vary. Here are some examples:
-Strengthen your understanding of Tawheed: Blessings are not dispersed randomly, and Allah knows best and is capable of giving anything to whomever He wishes.
-Understand the negative consequences of Hasad: Keep in mind the punishment of Iblis for example and remember how Imam Ali (A) said that his 6000 years of worship were erased. Imagine us, us having worshipped Allah (SWT) for just a few years!
-Do good towards the Mahsood: By doing this, you can combat this feeling of Hasad towards the Mahsood.
400 pts for listing any four (100 pts each) and 100 pts for describing one.
Name any five ways to treat riya (does not need to be from the material).
-Know that Allah will make your actions apparent to others eventually.
-Try to hide acts from others.
-Monitor your actions and detect the signs of riya.
-Be satisfied with only Allah's reward.
-Be aware of the severity of its consequences.
500 pts total: 100 each.
Give any 10 signs of takabbur (does not have to be from the material posted).
- Spoiling one’s face towards others and turning away from them
- Speaking loudly and arrogantly
- Talking and talking without listening
- Walking with a swagger
- Being unwilling to accept criticism from others
- Insisting on one’s opinion, even if it’s wrong
- Overusing the words “I” and “me”
- Not responding to a plea for help from the less fortunate
- Demanding special respect from others
- Considering others to be worthless
- Not wanted to engage in menial tasks and expecting others to perform them
(50 pts per sign.)
*BONUS*: 100 POINTS! The first person to raise their hand on the count of 3, 2, and 1 may answer the question or discuss with his/her group.
QUESTION: True or False: When we say Allah is Al-Kabeer, we mean that He is better than all of His creation. You need to explain to get the points.
Name five harms of ujb.
-Unhapiness and lonliness
-No motivation to move forward and improve
-Wasting of one's good deeds
-Showing-off (Riya)
Total: 500 pts, 100 each.
List five ways to deal with Ya's in times of difficulty.
-Remember that this world is not the final mode of existence.
-See the trial as an opportunity to turn to Allah in dua, etc.
-Be patient with Allah's will.
-Remember Allah
-Remember the Ahlul Bayt were given greater trials.
Total 500, 100 each.