What is the meaning of Sanad
The list of narrators
What is the meaning of Matn
The actual text of the hadeeth
How many days is one not allowed to keep apart from his muslim brother/sister?
What is the opposite of Taweheed and the greatest sin?
Who are Munkar and Nakeer?
Questioners of the Grave
Name 3 things you can do to control your anger?
Make wudu, drink water, say the istiaathah, sit down, lay down, walk away
A hadeeth is divided into 2. What are they?
Saheeh and Da'eef
Give an example of Shirk Al Akbar
Idol worshipping
Give an example of Shirk Al Asghar (minor shirk)
Riyaa or showing off.
Perfecting your prayers in front of people
Who are Kiraaman Kaatibeen?
The recorders
Name 2 conditions of a narrator for the hadeeth to be saheeh?
Truthful, good memory, met other narrators
Name the six pillars of Imaan in order
To believe in Allah, His Angels, His books, His messengers, The last Day, Qadr
An example of Shirk by Humanisation
To say Allah is like
To say Allah is like His creation
Give an example of Shirk by Deification
To say humans share characteristics of Allah
Name 5 things about Angels?
They do not sleep, eat, drink, marry, have children, rest.
What is Ihsan
It is to worship Allah as if you see Him
To believe that no one has the right to be worshipped but Allah is which Tawheed?
Tawheed al Uluhiyyah
To believe that Allah is the only creator of the world is which tawheed.
Tawheed ar Rububiyyah
Give an example of Shirk by Association
To give Allah Partners, To say there is more than one God.
Give an example of Shirk by Negation
To say there is no god