The direction that muslims face when they pray
qibla; towards the Ka'abah
Dua that is recited when eating food; what dua do you say if you forget the first dua?
1. "Bismillah" (in the name of Allah)
2. "Bismillah fi awwalihi wa akhirihi" (in the name of Allah at the beginning and end).
Over the course of how many years was the Quran revealed?
23 years
This Prophet was miraculously born without a father and could speak as a baby. He was ascended to Heaven by Allah, body and soul and will return near the end of times to kill the Dajjal (the false Messiah)
Prophet Isa AS (Jesus)
what was the first verse that was revealed to the Prophet SAW
Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name of your Lord Who created—created humans from a clinging clot
The word "muslim" literally means
one who submits (to the will of Allah)
Dua when you sneeze and what to reply to your companion when they sneeze
When you sneeze, say: "Alḥamdulillah" (All praises and thanks are to Allah.)
Your companion should say: "Yarḥamukallah" (May Allah have mercy upon you.)
When someone says "Yarḥamukallah" to you then you should say:
"Yahdikumu llahu wa yuslihu balakum" (May Allah guide you and set your affairs in order.)
What is the first chapter of the Quran? How many total chapters are there in the Quran?
Surah Al Fatiha; 114
This Prophet broke the idols of his people and was consequently thrown into a huge fire. However, Allah SWT made the fire cool for him and allowed him to walk unharmed from the fire.
Prophet Ibrahim AS (Abraham)
What were the names of the Prophet's parents and at what age was the Prophet when they passed away?
Father: Abdullah ibn Abdul Mutallib; died before the Prophet was born. Mother: Aminah bint Wahb; age 6
Name the 5 pillars of Islam
Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj
Dua recited when going into and leaving the restroom
Going into: "Allahumma innee aAAoothu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba-ith" (O Allah, I take refuge with you from all evil and evil-doers.)
Leaving: "Ghufranaka" (O Allah I seek your forgiveness)
Who was the Quran revealed to? At what age? Where did revelation first take place?
The Prophet Muhammad SAW; age 40; Cave of Mount Hiraa
Allah SWT gave this Prophet control over the jinn and the ability to speak to animals
Prophet Suleiman AS (Solomon)
Who raised the Prophet SAW after his parent's death?
His uncle, Abu Talib
Name the 6 pillars of Iman
Belief in Allah, belief in Angels, belief in His books, belief in His Messengers, belief in the Last Day, and belief in Qadr (the divine decree of Allah.)
Dua you recite when you wake up in the morning
"Alhamdulillahilladhee ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilayhin-nushoor" (All praise belongs to Allah Who has restored us back to life after causing us to die; and to Him shall we return.)
besides the Quran, there were 3 other books that were sent down by Allah SWT to mankind. name them and to what prophet were they each sent down to?
1. Injeel/Gospel-Prophet Isa AS
2. The Tawrat (Torah)-Prophet Musa AS
3. The Zabur-Prophet Dawud AS
This Prophet was blessed by Allah SWT with a child, even though his wife and him were barren and old. He was told not to speak to people for three nights as a sign from Allah SWT that his wife would soon give birth to a child.
Prophet Zakariya AS (Zachariah)
Allah SWT granted miracles to each prophet. What was Prophet Muhammad's miracle and why was his the greatest miracle?
The Quran; the Prophet was an illiterate man that could not read or write. An illiterate cannot makeup an eloquent and miraculous book thereby proving that the Quran was from Allah SWT.
(open response answer)
Name the seven major sins in Islam that were highlighted by the Prophet Muhammad SAW; which is the worst one?
shirk (associating others with Allah SWT in worship); sihr (witchcraft/black magic); killing an innocent soul; consuming an orphan's wealth; consuming riba (usury/interest); fleeing the battlefield; slandering pure/chaste women.
The dua that Prophet Musa AS recited when in need of goodness; hint: also a verse in Surah Al-Qasas
"Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer" (My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.)
In Surah Taha, Allah SWT names three other instances when He has shown favor to Prophet Musa AS. What were they?
1. Saving him from persecution by inspiring his mother to put him into a chest and then into the river where he was delivered and taken in by the Pharaoh's wife
2. Reuniting Prophet Musa with his mother (he refused all other wet-nurses that were brought to him)
3. Prophet Musa AS later killed a man by mistake but was saved from punishment by Allah
This Prophet was sent to the people of Thamud, who were sent a she-camel as a sign of Allah's existence. They were warned to allow the camel to graze freely and to not harm her. However they did, and so Allah destroyed the people of Thamud.
Prophet Saleh (7:73-7:78)
Even before revelation, the prophet was well known for having good character. What did the people of Mecca used to call him?
"As-Sadeeq Al-Ameen," meaning the honest and trustworthy one.