He was swallowed by a whale
Yunus (AS)
The shortest surah in the Qur’an, consisting of only three verses.
Surah Kawthar
The last Khalifah
Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)
This term describes what food is permissible to eat.
This mosque houses the Kabah and is the holiest site in islam
Masjid al-Haram
This prophet was given the title "Kalīmullah" (The One Who Spoke with Allah)
Musa (AH)
The hadith collection compiled by Imam Al-Bukhari is known by this name.
Sahih al-Bukhari
The battle that the muslims lost and Rasulullah got injured in
Battle of Uhud
Muslims must pay this form of charity which is 2.5% of their wealth
Located in Jerusalem, this is where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went on his famous journey to the heavens.
This prophet is known as Khalilullah (Friend of Allah)
Ibrahim (AS)
This surah is known as the "Heart of the Qur’an."
Surah Yaseen
This event marked the beginning of the Islamic Calendar
A khutbah is a required part of this prayer, making it different from other prayers.
The prophet (SAW) is buried in this mosque.
Masjid an-Nabawi
He was the only prophet to be born without a father
Isa (AH)
The number of Makkan and Madinan surahs in the Qur’an combined.
The treaty signed between the Muslims and Quraysh that eventually led to the Conquest of Makkah.
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
This islamic ruling refers to actions that are highly discouraged but not sinful (haram)
How many times was the Kabah rebuilt
5-12 times OR more than 4
He was the first prophet to write with a pen
Idris (AH)
This sahabi narrated the most hadiths, totaling over 5,000
Abu Huraira
The Prophet Muhammad gave his last khutbah here
Plain of Arafat OR Mount of Mercy
This is the fraction of inheritance that a woman receives for every 2/3 a man receives.
The dome of the rock is the actual rock that the burraaq ascended from, and masjid al aqsa is a separate building where Rasulullah (SAW) led the anbiyaaa in prayer