What day was the Quran revealed?
Laylatul qadr
Who freed Bilal from slavery
Abu bakr (RA)
What is the maximum amount of times you can wash one area in wudu
Which sahabi was adopted by the prophet (SAW)
Zayd ibn harith
The the Quran, Allah often mentions these two pillars together, what are they?
Zakaat and Salah
What months comes before and after Ramadan
Shaban and shawal
Who tried to build a tower to the heavens to meet Allah
What is the sunnah prayer called when you enter the masjid
Tahiyatul masjid
What is the greatest surah in the Quran
Surah fatihah
The prophet saw advised us to do what before fajr during Ramadan
Eat suhoor
Who was Ali (RA) to the prophet (SAW)
Son in law and cousin
What prayers did the prophet (SAW) say are cool prayers
Fajr and asr
Which two are the best humans to walk on earth
Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and prophet Ibrahim (AS)
What surahs are in the first juz of the Quran
Surah fatihah, and surah baqarah
How many years is laylatul qadr worth (estimate)
80-85 (83.3)
Who made a dua not to leave any disbeliever on earth
Prophet nuh (AS)
What is the best form of dhikr
All sins of a martyr are forgiven except what?
Which surah starts with the name of two trees (hint: it’s from juz ama)
Surah at-tin (at-teeni wa zaytoon)
When is it most likely to be laylatul qadr? (According to scholars and hadiths)
The 27th night
Who was the sahabi that said when the prophet (SAW) died, he went around saying “know that the messenger is dead but Allah is ever living”
Abu bakr
What sign was given to the prophet (SAW) to prove his prophet-hood
Splitting the moon
What is the reward of praying one prayer in masjid nabawi
More than a thousand (prayers)
Which surah starts with Bismillah twice
Surah an-naml