Name the three main battles of the prophet’s time
What is Badr, Uhud, and The Trench
What is the Seerah
What is completion of the prophet’s life
What are the five pillars
What is belief, worship, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage?
Name 5 prophets
Which prophet split the sea
who is Musa
Name the 4 caliphates
Abu Bakr
Umar ibn al-khattab
Uthman ibn Affan
Ali ibn Abi Talib
How many children did the prophet have?
what is 7
What present of your wealth do you have to give as Zakat ?
what is 2.5%
Name all 4 holy books ?
What is Quran, Tawrat, Zabur, and Injil.
Who was the prophet before Muhammad?
What is Isa (Jesus)
What Job did all prophet have?
what is Shepherd.
How many wives did the prophet have
What is 12
Is Haji required for every Muslim?
What is NO
Name five angels
1. Jibril (جبريل) 2.Israfil (إسرافيل)
3.Mikail (ميخائيل)
4.’Izra’il (عزرائيل)
5 & 6. Kiraaman-Kaatibin (كراماً كاتبين)
7 & 8. Munkar and Nakir (منكر و نكير).
9.Ridhwan (رضوان)
What is the month before Ramadan
what is Shaban
Name the four schools of thought
what is Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali
Who was in the cave with the prophet when the
Quraysh were coming after him?
who is Abu Bakr
How many times do you do tawaf around the Kaaba
what is seven times.
What are the six pillars of Faith (Iman)?
What is
Which prophet is referred to as the Father of the prophets ?
Who is Ibrahim (Abraham)
Name eight shahaba
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Zubair, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, Sa`îd ibn Zayd, and Abu Ubaidah
What month was the prophet born?
what is Rabi' Al-Awwal
What is the word for fasting used in the Quran
what is Siyam
What is Divine decree ?
what is believing that both the law of nature and the law of religion (Shariah) have been devised by Allah and He alone holds Supreme power over these laws which are operating in the universe
Name all 25 prophets named in the Quran in 90sec