General Islamic Knowledge

Which prophet was gifted with the ability to speak to Animals? 

Prophet Sulayman (A.S)


How many rewards are there for reciting one letter of the Quran? 

There are 10 rewards against reading a single letter


What did the Prophet ﷺ refer to as "half of iman (faith)"?



What two actions can you do instead if you are unable to fast?

Feed a needy person, or give in charity to the poor


Which 2 surahs are for seeking protection in Allah from evil-eye & witchcraft?

Surah Falaq 

Surah Naas

Which prophet is referred to as the "friend of Allah?" 

Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)


In the Quran, we are told not to consume interest, what else are we not to consume?

Wealth of an orphan 


Name any two bad deeds out of five which the Prophet ﷺ warned should not be done by a true believer.

1. Fornication (adultery); 2. stealing; 3. drinking of wine; 4. plundering; 5. backbiting (al-Bukhari and Muslim).


What is the meaning of the Arabic word Ramadan

Scorching heat

What is the virtue of reciting Ayatul Kursi before going to bed at night to sleep?

You are protected from harm till sunrise

Which prophet was named by Allah SWT Himself? 

Yahya (A.S)


How many Surahs (Chapters) in the Qur’an have the titles named after different Prophets?

6 Surahs:

  1. Surah al-Yunus (chapter-10)
  2. Surah al-Hud (chapter-11)
  3. Surah al-Yusuf (chapter-12)
  4. Surah al- Ibrahim (chapter-14)
  5. Surah al-Nuh (chapter-71)
  6. Surah al-Muhammad (chapter-47)

Name any one of the two short phrases for which the Prophet ﷺ said, "Two phrases are light on the tongue yet heavy in the Balance and beloved by the All-Merciful..."

Subhan Allah wa bi hamdi hi (Glory be to Allah, and all praise is his); 2. Suban Allah al-azim (Glory be to Allah the Magnificent). (Al Bukhari).


Allah describes Lailatul-Qadr as “better than a thousand months”. How many years of worship does this equate to?

83 years


Which Angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?

Israfeel (A.S)


After Musa (pbuh) was found in the river by Asiyah (the wife of Pharaoh), who was it that cleverly organised for the real mother of Musa (pbuh) to be reunited with him by recommending her as a suitable wet nurse?

Musa (A.S)'s sister (Maryam) 


What are the other names of the Qur’an according to the Qur’an itself?

Al-Furqaan, Al-Kitaab, Al-Zikr, Al-Noor, Al-Huda


The Prophet ﷺ mentioned three kinds of people: whom Allah would neither speak to, look at, or purify. Name any one (or two) of them.

1. One who lets his clothes drag on the ground out of pride 2. One who boasts about the favors he has done to others. 3. One who sells his goods by swearing falsely. (Muslim).


Who are amongst the people that must fast in the blessed month of Ramadan, and those that are not obliged to fast in this month? 

Those who must fast: All mature and sane Muslims, male and female. Those who are exempted: The sick, the travelers, those too old to fast, women in child birth, women with periods, pregnant women whose heath is endangered, breast feeding women whose health is endangered.


What does Allah’s name Al-Mu’izz mean?

The One who honours


On one occasion, the angels came to visit Ibrahim (pbuh), but they were on their way to destroy which nation?

Nation of Lut


Alcohol, sacrificing on idols, divining arrows, and what else is haram according to Surah Maidah?



Name any one out of the four virtues the Prophet ﷺ mentioned in a person who has perfected his iman (faith).

1. Love for the sake of Allah.
2. Hate for the sake of Allah.
3. Giving for the sake of Allah.
4. Withholding for the sake of Allah.
(Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi).


List three important events in the history of our Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam that occured in the month of Ramadan? 

The Qur’an was revealed
The Battle of Badr
The Victory (fat’h) of Makkah


What was the name of the flying animal on which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) travelled to the heavens?
