Madinah is also known as...
Is surah Fatiha Madaniyyah or Makkiyyah
What do the root letters ن ص ح mean
To wish well for someone (Advice)
What was the real name of Abu Bakar RA
What day was I born on
Whose house did the camel of the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم stop at when he first arrived in Madinah
Abu Ayyub RA
The rest of the day is taken care of for him
Guarantees freedom from poverty
Saves one from the punishment of the grave
When one recites:
Surah Yaseen
Surah Waqiyyah
Surah Mulk
What do the root letters خ ل ف mean
Hint: خليفة
To succeed or to be the represented of someone
What was Abu Bakr RA's fathers name
Who is the best companion to have and why?
The Quran
The friends of the world will not remember you but the Quran will remember you even in the darkest of places, i.e., the grave.
What is the Buraaq
A celestial beast/animal which the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used as a method of travel on his journey from earth to the heaven during Isra and Miraj.
It is smaller than a muel and bigger than a donkey and white in colour. It's one step travels as far as one's eyes can perceive.
What was the seventh surah to be revealed?
Surah Takweer
What do the root letters ج ن mean
Hint: مجنون
To be hidden
Who were the 2 companions who dreamt about the method of calling towards Prayer (Azaan)
Abdullah ibn Zaid RA & Umar RA
Fill in the blanks
Ilm without amal is a _
Amal without Ilm is _
Which type of Arab is the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
Arab Ba'eeda
Arab Areeba
Arab Mustaria
Arab Mustaria (The progeny of Ismail AS)
Which Surah does not have the letter Faa in it's verses
Surah Fatiha
What does the following word mean:
What was the name of the man who instigated the assassination of Uthman RA
Abdullah ibn Saba
What was the Islamic Year last year
1445 AH
What were the 3 gifts presented to the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم from Allah at Isra and Miraaj
1. The 5 daily prayers
2. The closing verses of surah Baqarah
3. Guaranteed safety from Jahannam as long as one does not commit shirk
How is a surah considered Makkiyyah or Madaniyyah
This is based on the time of revelation, not the place of revelation
If a surah was revealed before the migration to Madinah, it is considered Makiyyah
If it was revealed after the migration, it is considered Madaniyyah.
Translate the following:
اللهم فَكَمَا صُنتَ وُجُوهَنا عن سجود غَيرِكَ فصُنْ وُجهَنا عن مَسئَلةِ غيرك
Oh Allah, just as you have turned our faces away from prostrating to anyone but you, so turn our faces away from asking from anyone but you
Who were the 6 companions appointed by Umar RA to decide among them the next Khalifah after his demise
Ali RA, Usman RA, Abdurrahman bin Awf RA, Saad RA, Talha RA, Zubair RA.
What is surah Takweer about?
Surah Takweer depicts and reminds us of the scenes of the day of Judgment.