Where was the Prophet (pbuh) born?
What does 'Al Bayyinah' mean?
The Clear Proof/Evidence
What was the first word of the Quran that was revealed and what does it mean.
Iqra - read
Which number Surah is Al Bayyinah
Over how many years was the Quran revelaed?
23 Years
What was the year called in which the Prophet (pbuh) was born?
Year of the Elephant
What does "purified" mean when referring to the Quran?
Free from error
How many Surahs/Chapters in the Quran?
What does it mean "khair al Barriyah"?
The Best of creatures
Mass memorisation & written recording.
What are the two names given Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) even before Prophethood?
Sadiq and Amin
Truthful and Trustworthy
Who are the "Ahlul Kitab" mentioned in Surah Al Bayyinah?
Jews and Christians
Who assured the preservation of the Quran
Name the 2 groups that rejected the clear proof
Ahlal Kitab
Mention any 3 things on which the verses were written down on?
(During the life of the Prophet (pbuh))
Stone tablets, wood parchments, leather pieces, branches of trees, bones and loose sheets
What was the Year of Sorrow?
The year of the Prophet's wife - Khadija (ra) and his Uncle Abu Talib
What does it mean "Deen Al Qayyimah"?
The true/correct religion
What is the criteria for classifying a Makkan Surah and a Madinite Surah
Makkan Surah's were the ones revealed before the Migration to Madinah
Who is Allah referring to when HE says "Clear Proof'?
The Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
Who do the Prophet (pbuh) review the Quran with every year?
Angel Jibreel (as)
What special miracle was given to the Prophet (pbuh) after the Year of sorrow.
Explain 2 special aspects of this.
Isra Wal Miraj
Travelled from Makkah, to Masjid Aqsa and the highest heavens in one night.
Spoke to Allah. Travelled on the Buraq. Led the Prophets in prayer. Received the command of prayer
Who is promised the reward of Gardens of Paradise?
(mention 3 things)
Those who believe, do righteous deeds and fear Allah
What was a key focus of the Madinite revelations?
Social and legal issues
What does it mean " Sharr al Barriyyah" and why are they called such?
The worst of creatures
Because they rejected the truth even though they received the clear proof - divine guidance
Give the name of the Main Scribe who write down the verse of the Quran and
Zaid ibn Thabit