In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Newt travels to America to capture this beast...UBC students are big fans.
I was the President of the United States
Barack Obama
In 1959 Mattel first released her. Since then she has worked as a nurse, an astronaut, a firefighter and even the President of the United States.
Throughout the late 19th century thousands of Chinese migrant workers arrived in Victoria to work on the Canadian Pacific Railway and are likely the reason that Victoria has the second oldest one of these in North America.
Angelina Jolie
Lara Croft Tomb Raider
Loch Ness Monster (Nessie)
Chris Pratt, Amy Poehler, and Aziz Ansari get their start on this NBC sitcom which would go on to have 7 successful seasons
Parks and Recreation
From the Japanese company Sanrio, say Kon'nichiwa to this feline brand.
Hello Kitty
In 1778 I became the first European explorer to visit Vancouver Island
James Cook
Mila Jovovich
Resident Evil
This beast has the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. Perhaps Harry Potter's House gets its name from it.
Straight out of Bollywood, this film won Best Picture in 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
A Real American Hero
G.I. Joe
In 1858 the discovery of this resource in the Fraser Valley resulted in a massive increase in population to Victoria.
Jake Gyllenhaal
Prince of Persia
Half man, half bull. You won't want to run into this Crete-ture.
This Black Eyed Peas track topped the Billboard charts
Boom Boom Pow
Robots in disguise.
In 1850 Richard Blanshard became Victoria's first one of these.
Michael Fassbender
Assasin's Creed
Who says these don't exist? It is the national animal of Scotland after all
This first emerged in the Spring of 2009 and would become responsible for 75 000 deaths worldwide.
H1N1 (swine flu)
From the Danish word for "Play Well", this toy brand has grown brick by brick over the last 85 years to become one of the best selling toy brands in the world.
Victoria is built on the traditional territory of these people. The Songhees and Esquimalt nations are descendants of them.
Ryan Reynolds
Pokemon: Detective Pikachu