Why did the Aleuts come to the Island of the Blue Dolphins?
to hunt sea otter
True / False: The people of Ghalas-at believe the Aleuts will keep their part of the deal and pay for the otters.
Who jumps off the ship to stay behind?
How old is Karana?
12 years old
Compares to things using like or as
Who is the captain of the ship Karana sees at the beginning of the book?
Captain Orlov
Who dies at the end of Ch. 4?
Chief Chowig
Why were the villagers storing food and water in their canoes?
In case they need to escape quickly
What is the name of the island in the story?
Island of the Blue Dlophins
A direct comparison of two things
Who makes up Karana's family?
Father - Chief Chowig, Sister - Ulape, Brother - Ramo
Why is Karana upset with the Aleut hunters?
They are killing too many otters/the otters are her friends
Why does Ramo miss the ship?
He went back for his fishing spear
How do the people of Ghalas-at know the second ship to arrive to the island is NOT the Aleuts?
Is has white flags instead of red flags
Giving human characteristics or qualities to non-human things
What deal did Chief Chowig and Captain Orlov make? *Be specific*
Split the hunt equally (one part to Aleut in otter and the other part to Ghalas-at in goods)
What are the specific goods the people of Ghalas-at will receive for each otter pelt?
One string of beads and one iron spearhead
What is Karana upset about at the end of the chapters we read?
Her skirt is ruined
A sound word - it makes the sound when read it
An extreme exaggeration
What does Karana's common name mean?
The Girl with Long Black Hair
When Chief Chowig becomes angry, Karana says he ____________.
pulls his ear or speaks softly
Why does the second ship of white men come to the island?
To take the tribe away from the island and live somewhere safer
Name the chiefs of the tribe in the order they appear in the book
Chief Chowig --> Chief Kimki --< Chief Matasaip
A common expression that can't be taken seriously