The use of mood-altering drugs that interferes with or has a negative effect on a person’s life is defined as this.
What is a Substance Use Disorder?
When controlling your anger during a conversation it helpful to use these when communicating your feelings.
What are I statements.
It is the parents' responsibility to help their children through these as they grow.
What are developmental tasks
It is this type of container that you will put all that you have learned from T4C in for future use
What is a Tool Box?
These are the three parenting styles.
What are Block, Putty and Backbone
When the brain releases this chemical, it causes a good feeling in the body.
What is dopamine?
The pupils of the eyes open up (dilate) to let in more light, the heart pumps more blood to the brain Breathing becomes faster and harder, defined as this.
What are biological signs of anger?
These are the two types of victims when a crime occurs
What is Primary and Secondary
Paraphrasing, head nodding, and eye contact are all part of this
What is active listening.
Ignore, Distract and Redirect are all types of this
What are positive Discipline tools.
When people use high doses of such powerful stimulants as amphetamines or cocaine over a long period of time, they may have a severe break which is called this.
What is Psychosis?
HIV stands for this.
What is human immunodeficiency virus?
These are the 4 areas of impact to the victim of a crime
What is financial, physical, emotional and spiritual/religious.
When you are writing down every possible idea you can come up with to solve a problem.
What is brainstorming.
Gifts, Quality time and physical touch are all types of this.
what is Love Language.
This feels like a bad case of the flu. For most people it causes runny noses and eyes, goosebumps, sweating, diarrhea, yawning, fever, and insomnia.
What is opioid withdrawal?
These are the 3 steps of the three-step process.
What are 1. The stressor event
2. Beliefs
3. Emotional consequences
When a crime occurs it creates this, affecting multiple individuals.
What is the Ripple effect.
In T4C When you are paying attention to your warning signs you are looking out for these.
What are: Physical Reactions, Risk Thoughts, and Risk Feelings.
There are consequences for every action. Some are______ and some are________.
What are natural and logical?
This questionnaire was developed by Dr. John Ewing and is a brief self-assessment that is used to help people identify whether they have a problem drinking.
What is C.A.G.E.
Double points for correct words of acronym. lose half of points for wrong answer.
Good problem solving begins with a willingness to address the problem. More specifically, you need to
What is to accept, to believe, to examine, to find solutions, to make changes
This occurs when a person who has been victimized has his own actions, lifestyle, or behaviors questioned.
What is victim blaming
Lesson 20 practice problem solving skills 1-3 involve these 3 steps.
What are Stop and Think, State the Problem, Set a goal and gather information.
The passage of traditions, behaviors or attitudes and beliefs from generation to generation is an example of this.
What is Legacy.