Who recruited the first jewish king?
Shmuel Hanavi
What is the name of the popular navigation application? In israel
I am the first on earth, the second in heaven. I appear twice in a week though you can only see me once in a year. What am I?
The letter E
After Alexander the Great died among how many of his generals was his empire split?
4 generals
What does Macabi mean?
who was the king/s directly after Shaul?
David and איש בושת
who was the first woman prime minister?
Golda meir
What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand?
Your left hand
What is publicizing of the mitzva in Hebrew?
פרסמי ניסא
Who was Matityahu's sister?
When Shlomo asked God for superior intelligence how did he know that he got it?
When he woke up he was able to understand the language of the birds.
What is the name of the Israel defense system against missiles?
The Iron Dome
A murder is condemned to death he has to choose between 3 rooms.The first is full of raging fires. the second, assassins with loaded guns. and the third, lions who haven't eaten in years.Which room is the safest?
the third one the poor loins died of starvation
Who was the french general who was friends with George Washington?
Marquis de Lafayette
Who were the 5 sons of Matityahu?
Shimon, Yochanan and Yonatan and Eliazer
Whichh Navi was the Prophet for the Jews for the longest time?
איהוד בן גרה
Where was David Ben-Gurion born? what did he do after he was prime minister?
Poland, and went and lived in a Kibuz
What was the largest island in the world before Australia was discovered?
Australia- it was still there just not discovered.
If I have it I don't share it, if I share it I don't have it
Which of matityahu's sons later on became king?
What curse/s did David put on Yoav?
That the people in Yoav's house should always be contaminated, lepers, on crutches, die by sword and lack food
That his children should all die right after they are born
That his children should all die by sword
That his descendants should all be poor
What was Israel before it was founded as the land for the Jews in 1948?
A wasteland
We hurt without moving, we poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. What am I?
What do the words VEYASUM and VOTAYONI mean to me and you?
They are anagrams. Musayev and Inoyatov
How long did the Chashmonaim Family dynasty last?
102 years