Geo Basics and Map Reading
Human/Physical Geography
Current Events
Map Studies
A bit of everything
This geographic concept describes how easy it is to travel to or from a location
What is accessibility
This is the difference between climate and weather
What is time
This man is the current Prime Minister of Canada
Who is Justin Trudeau
This describes the boundary between Western/Eastern Europe
What is the Iron Curtain
This is the region of Ukraine annexed by Russia in 2014
What is the Crimean peninsula
This geographic term describes how connected a place is to its surroundings.
What is situation
These are two factors that influence climate
What is water, elevation, latitude, and terrain
According to former President Barack Obama and many scientists, this is the greatest threat facing humanity today.
What is climate change
This region of Russia is not actually attached to the rest of the country (not Crimea)
What is Kaliningrad
These are five of the most important factors in determining your success on the exam
- Get a good night's sleep - Prepare in advance - Eat a good meal beforehand - Review with a friend - Don't panic!
When giving an absolute location, these lines describe distance east or west of the prime meridian.
What is longitude
Name and define three landforms and/or water features
(multiple answers)
Explain the crisis in Syria with three key dates
Arab Spring Revolution (2011), Civil War (2011-now), ISIS moves in (2014), Assad [supported by Russia] uses chemical weapons against civilians (2013, 2017), US bombs airfield (2017), over 5 million Syrians displaced
This narrow body of water separates the Iberian Peninsula from the northern coast of Africa
What is the Strait of Gibraltar
This is the alliance between the United States and most European countries
What is NATO (N. Atlantic Treaty organization)
These are two types of regions and their definitions.
What is formal - defined by borders What is functional - defined by connection to core What is perceptual - defined by thoughts
Name and define four elements of culture
(multiple answers)
Name and describe two current events going on in Asia
Duterte's drug war S. China Sea disputes S. Korean elections N. Korean missile tests
This peninsula in Eastern Russia is Northeast of Japan and West of Alaska
What is the Kamchatka peninsula
Describe the origins of ISIS
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (79-89), al Qaeda and Taliban form (86, 91), US invades Afghanistan (01-14), US invades Iraq (03-11), IS forms (06), ISIS breaks from al Qaeda (2014)
Describe the site and situation of Charter.
What is 100 N. Dupont Road, east of Hockessin, west of the DE River, across from Silverbook/Walgreens.
Define and describe the causes and effects of globalization
Definition: the world "getting smaller" Causes: Improvements in: communication, travel, trade, technology Effects: More cultural diffusion, more economic and political cooperation, environmental degradation, etc.
Describe the structure of the European Union
European Council (led by Donald Tusk) Executive: European Commission Legislative: European Parliament/Council of the EU Judiciary: Court of Justice of the EU Central Bank: Euro (19 members use)
Part of these islands are claimed by Vietnam, China, Malaysia, and several other countries
What is the Paracel/Spratly Islands
Describe and define populism and nationalism
(see handout)