Living Arrangements
Work and Retirement
Health and Health Care
Caring for the Frail Elderly
Free for All

This gender is most likely to feel lonely when living alone.

What are men?


These jobs help make the transition from work to retirement.

What are bridge jobs?


Smoking is the primary cause of this disease.

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?


Reasons for the high turnover rates among home health aides.

What are low wages and stressful working conditions?


This caregiver provides hands-on personal care, such as dressing and bathing. 

Who is the daughter?


Older people who move between states leave ___ for ___.

What are Rust Belt states (MI and IL) for South or West states (FL or AZ)?


This concept is less visible when hiring and more challenging to prove.

What is age discrimination?


Two advantages of having a social support system are better physical functioning and this.

What is a lower level of depression?


The three levels that describe the caregiver and dependent person's relationship

What are mutuality, ambivalent, and conflicted relationships?


This hypothesis predicts that experienced caregivers who have been in that role for a long time will display more negative marital quality. 

What is the wear-and-tear hypothesis?


This elderly population is most likely to live in an extended family household.

What are elderly Asian Americans?


Older workers may stop looking for work and leave the labor force, causing this issue.

What is being underrepresented in unemployment statistics?


The best indicator of SES for the elderly.

What is education?


This is the imbalance between the demands on the caregiver's time and energy and the personal and financial resources they have at their disposal. 

What is caregiver strain?


This type of housing is considered at the very bottom of the rental market.

What are single-room occupancy hotels (SROs)?


A variety of group housing options, such as assisted living facilities, that offer elders assistance with daily living.

What is supportive housing?


Early retirement benefits for Social Security begin at this age.

What is 62?


These chronic conditions are the leading cause of death and disability.

What are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes?


An optional benefit for poor older people eligible for nursing home care that offers comprehensive medical and social services that can be provided at an adult day care center, a home, an assisted living facility, or a nursing home is best described.

What is the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)?


This place provides a continuum of housing arrangements and services.

What are Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC)?


Educated women with a steady employment history are more likely to experience this.

What is homelessness?


The increase in work among older men can be attributed to this.

What are changes in Social Security?


This theory posits that people who begin life with more significant resources continue to have opportunities to accumulate them.  

What is the theory of cumulative inequality?


The term Erving Goffman gave nursing homes.

What are total institutions?


This pension plan is essentially a savings plan with some tax advantages.

What is a defined contribution plan?