Because these permissions override Allow permissions, Allow Full Control does not take precedence over all other permissions granted.
What is deny permissions?
This is a copy of data files used if data recovery is necessary.
What is a backkup?
In the default HomeGroup networking configuration, all users that join the HomeGroup have this type of access to all libraries the other users have elected to share.
What is read-only?
The tendency of permissions to flow downward through a file system or other hierarchy is called this.
What is permission inheritance?
On networks already possessing a well-planned system of NTFS permissions, these are not really necessary.
What are share permissions?
These are virtualized folders that enable users to access files from different locations as though they were all in the same place.
What are libraries?
If, for some reason, you have been denied access to a file or folder, you need to reset the permissions by doing this to it and modifying its permissions.
What is taking ownership?
This is the combination of Allow permissions and Deny permissions that a security principal receives for a giving system element.
What are effective permissions?
To store permissions, each Windows object has this, which is a collection of individual permissions.
What is an access control list (ACL)?
When you view permissions and they are in this state, it means that the permissions are granted through inheritance from a parent.
What is shaded?
Sharing files and folders using this folder is the simplest way to give your clients file-sharing capability. This folder sharing process places all shared files in a single location.
What is Public folder sharing?
If you create a shared folder on a PC with share and NTFS permissions and then another user logs into the same PC. This or these permissions will apply.
What is only NTFS permissions? Because you are logging directly on to the PC and not going through the shared folder, share permissions do not apply.
These are privileges granted to specific system entities, such as users, groups, or computers, that enable them to perform a task or access a resource.
What are permissions?
To complete the security picture, you need to do this so that you can have a record of users who have logged on and what they accessed or tried to access.
What is enable auditing?
To activate Public folder sharing, all you need to do is this in the Change Sharing Options for Different Network Profiles dialog box.
What is enable Network Discovery and Public Folder Sharing?
This permission allows read, write, modify, and execute files in the NTFS folder.
What is NTFS Full Control?
You have appended a $ at the end of a shared folder or drive to make it an administrative share. Describe how you can access this folder.
What is you have to use a UNC name, which includes the shared name (including the $)? These shares cannot be seen during browsing.
When files or folders are moved, they behave differently. If you move files or folders to a different volume, they behave like this.
What is they leave their existing permissions behind and inherit permissions from the parent folder at the new location?
This is a feature that regularly creates and saves information about your computer’s system files and settings. It uses restore points, which are created just before significant system events, such as the installation of a program or device driver.
What is system protection?
This type of sharing is new to Windows 7.
What is HomeGroup networking?
When files or folders are moved, they behave differently. If you move files or folders to a new location on the same NTFS volume, their existing permissions react in this manner.
What is the permission move with them?
This permission allows you to write to a file, append to a file, read or change its attributes, or create a file. It does not allow you to delete a file.
What is the write permission?
This is a way to undo system changes to your computer without affecting your personal files, such as email, documents, or photos.
What is system restore?
This permission allows you to modify the folder permissions, take ownership of the folder, delete subfolders and their files, and perform all other actions from other Allowed permissions.
What is full control?
This is a collection of system components that are not contained in a simple file that can be backed up easily.
What is the Windows system state?