People at ISU
Research & Innovation
ISU Facts
U.S. Congress
Federal Agency

Name of the current Student Body President

Who is Martin Hursh?


This was the world's first when it was built on the Iowa State campus from 1939 through 1942 by John V. Atanasoff, a professor of physics and mathematics, and Clifford Berry, an engineering graduate student.

What was electronic digital computer?


Date chartered as the Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm

When was March 22, 1858?


Chairman of the U.S. House Science Committee.

Who is Frank Lucas?

Federal agency and office that has oversight of Ames National Lab.

What is the Department of Energy Office of Science?


The incoming Senior Vice President and Provost

Who is Jason Keith?


This former ISU Horticulture Department Chair, Charles Hall's plant breeding research led to the creation of several watermelon varieties, including the name of this type?

What is the Crimson Sweet, a seedless watermelon bred for disease resistance and flavor.


A total of 2,718 international students enrolled at Iowa State in Fall 2023, comprising this percentage of total enrollment.

What is 9%?


Number of regular appropriations bills that cover the funding for the federal government for one fiscal year to be enacted into law by October 1.

What are twelve standard bills?


This ISU alum has a B.A. Diary Science 1892, and served as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1921-1924), and father of U.S. Vice President Henry A. Wallace.

Who is Henry C. Wallace (1866–1924)?


Iowa State's first president

Who was Adonijah Welch?


This institute was formed out of an initial PIRI investment which lead to winning a national competition hosted by APLU.

The National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMRRE)?


This is the year in which Cy the mascot was "born"?

When was 1954?


This legislation was included in the omnibus and includes more than a dozen bills from the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee and focuses on competitive and innovative clean energy solutions driven by basic and early-stage research including an emphasis on critical materials.

What is the Energy Act of 2020.


NSF provided this record amount to Iowa State in 2023. 

What is $35.1 million?


Iowa State University alumna who devoted most of her life to the expansion of women’s rights around the world and international peace—is recognized as one of the key leaders of the American women’s suffrage movement.

Who is Carrie Chapman Catt?


Wesley Buchele, Iowa State professor emeritus in agricultural engineering, is well known for developing and patenting this invention saving farmers from the backbreaking chore of slinging hay bales in 1966 with graduate student Virgil Haverdink.

What is the round hay baler?


On this holiday in 1989, there was magic in the air—building up for a miraculous game to be played in Hilton Coliseum that night. That day, Buck Turnbull, a sports reporter for the Des Moines Register, used the term Hilton Magic for the first time.

What is Valentine's Day?


The Farm Bill was created in this year as part President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation in response to the Great Depression with many Americans facing a serious economic crisis.

When was 1933?


The Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries, Climate Change, and Manufacturing has jurisdiction over matters related to this agency.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


This ISU alumna is President & CEO of a Fortune 200 company.

Who is Beth Ford, President and CEO of Land O'Lakes, Inc.?


George Washington Carver, one of the

nation’s most distinguished educators

and agricultural researchers, and inventor of many uses for the peanut received his bachelor’s degree and master's degree from Iowa State in these years.

When was 1894 (bachelor's) and 1896 (master’s)?


The Morrill Act of 1862 entitled states to federal land (30,000 acres per Congressman) for the support of a college teaching agriculture and mechanical arts. The land granted to Iowa is located in this number of northwestern Iowa counties.

What is 27?


This is the number of former ISU students that went on to serve in the U.S. Senate and/or House of Representatives.

What is 9 former students (of which technically only 6 are alums)

U.S. Senators

1.) Joni Ernst , Psychology B.A. 1992

2.) Tom Harkin, Government and Economics B.A. 1962

3.) Herbert E. Hitchcock (1867-1958), attended but didn't graduate, United States senator from South Dakota (1936-1938)

U.S. Representatives

4.) Berkley Bedell (1921–2019), attended for two years but did not graduate, United States Representative from Iowa's 6th congressional district (1975–1987)

5.) Bruce Braley (born 1957), B.A. 1980

6.) T. Cooper Evans B.S. & M.S., United States Representative from Iowa's 3rd congressional district (1981-1987)

7.) Randy Feenstra (born 1969), MPA

8.) Tom Latham, attended but did not graduate, United States Representative from Iowa's 4th congressional district (1995–2015)

9.) Dave Loebsack (born 1952), B.S 1974 and M.A. 1976, United States Representative from Iowa's 2nd congressional district (2007-2021)[


This individual was sworn in as the nation's first Secretary of Education by Chief Justice Warren Burger, on Dec. 6, 1979.

Shirley M. Hufstedler