Please Be Advised
Your Rights
Tardy For The Party
You Snooze, You Lose!

Why do you have to go to school?

A) It is the law.

B) Your parent/guardian says so.

C) So you are not home alone all day. 


What are the proper documentations accepted by your principal to excuse an absence? 

A) A doctor's note for illness.

B) A parent/guardian note for illness, death, trip and etc.  

C) A call from parent/guardian.

D) None of the above. 

E) Answers A, B and C. 


Are you allowed to attend after-school when you are absent from school?

A) Yes, I am the lead in the play. 

B) Yes, my teammates count on me. 

C) No, I didn't produce proper documentation i order to receive an excused absence.

D) None of the above. 


At what time, are students considered tardy to school? 

A) 9:05 AM

B)10:05 AM

C) 8:05 AM

D) None of the above 


What is the legal term called when you are missing too much school?

A) Skipping

B) Truant

C) Snoozing

D) None of the above


If you are absent from school in this amount of days , you will automatically fail the marking term. 

A) 15

B) 10

C) 8

D) 6


it is a school day and you wake up and are feeling sick, your parent/guardian takes your temperature and you have a fever, sore throat and are coughing, what should you and your parent/guardian do? 

A) Contact the school 

B) Go to the doctor's office and submit a doctor's note to school 

C) Stay home

D) Both A and B


If you are absent from school, what is expected of you to bring to school on your return? 

A) A note with parent/guardian signature with dates and days (1-5) explaining absence. 

B) A note is not necessary upon my return to school. 

C) A student can write a note and submit it. 

D) None of the above.


What documentation is required by the parent/guardian when you are tardy to school?

A) Phone call to school

B) Nothing, I was only five minutes late.

C) Parental/guardian note on the same or following day.

D) None of the above


What happens if you miss too much school?

A) You could have a court case

B) Your parents could have a court case

C) Your ability to move to the next grade level could be impacted

D) All of the above


After what time in the day, are students marked absent from school absent even if they are present in school? 

A) 9:30 AM 

B) 10:30 AM

C) 11:30 AM

D) 12:30 AM


Your parent/guardian informs you that a close family member (i.e. aunt/uncle/grandmother/grandfather, cousin, sibling) passed away. How would you need to  notify the school? 

A) A call to the school on day of absence

B) A note from the parent/guardian explaining the reason for absence

C) Both A and B


If you are absent 5 consecutive days or more in a row, do you need to produce documentation? 

A) No, I have a right to be absent' It was only five days. 

B) Yes, my parent/guardian wrote a note.

C) Yes, you will need a doctor's note and be seen by the school nurse before starting the school day.

D) None of the above. 


After having more than five days tardy to school, what school consequences will occur to you?

A) Phone call home by the school

B) Written letter/email  sent home by the school

C) No recess, detention and/or suspension

D) None of the above


What does it mean to be a "habitually truant individual"?

A) A habit of being true to yourself

B) A habit of skipping down the hallway

C) You are purposefully absent for more than eight days in a term, and you have no proper documentation to excuse the absence

D) None of the above


The state requires you to be present in school. If you are absent more than 10% of the school year, you are considered federally and chronically absent from school; you may fail all your classes for the school year. How many days is 10% of the school year? 

A) 17 days

B) 35 days

C) 20 days

D) 55 days


Your parent/guardian informs you that you will miss 3 or more days of school due to an unexpected family life event (i.e. wedding, death and etc.). How do you  notify the school? 

A) Send a postcard from your destination

B) Notify the school via phone /letter

C) It is not the school's concern

D) None of the above 


What action can be taken by the school if you are absent 5 or more unexcused school days in a school year? 

A) A court referral.

B) Make an effort to meet with the parent/guardian and student with the school counselors and devise a plan.

C) Meet with the school resource officer (SRO).

D) Both A and C. 


What will the principal of the school require of you and your parent/guardian if you have excessive tardiness to school?

A) A gift card to Dunkin Donuts

B) A phone call

C) A meeting with parent/guardian

D) All the above


What happens if you are a habitually truant individual?

A) You are breaking the law

B) You will have a court case

C) Your parent/guardian will have a court case 

D) All of the above


Who gets to decide if your absence is excused or unexcused?

A) Your school/school principal

B) Your parent/guardian

C) You

D) Either A or B


Do you have to makeup missed work when you return form your absence? 

A) No, It was an excused absence. 

B) Yes, I have until the end of the term.

C) Yes, you have within 5 school days upon the student's return to school to makeup the missed academic work. 


When an attendance action plan has been agreed upon, who are the parties who have to come to an agreement? 

A) School officials including principal, school counselors and etc. 

B) Parent/guardian 

C) Student

D) All of the above. 


What natural consequence may occur when you have missed two or more periods unexcused in a school year due to tardiness?

A) You are missing out on vital instructional time

B) It may impact you moving to the next grade level

C) It may cause you not to be accepted to the high school of your choosing

D) All of the above


What can school officials do if you are considered a habitually truant individual?

A) The school can inform the juvenile court and a CRA (Child Requiring Assistance) case can be opened

B) You and the parent/guardian will have to go to court

C) Missing too much school can get you into trouble at school and trigger serious legal consequences for you and the parent/guardian

D) All of the above