Where a conclave sometimes meets.
What is Rome?
Your choices when you see pesce and carne on the menu.
What are fish or meat?
You should have come here to see the gladiators.
What is the Colosseum?
Good morning
What is buongiorno?
How are you?
Come stai (state)?
Its volcano destroyed Pompei.
What is Naples?
What Italians call arborio rice.
What is risotto?
Don't try to get it straight.
What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
What is computer?
Let's go to the beach.
What is andiamo al mare?
Where to go to see David.
What is Florence?
What you get with tomato sauce if you order una fetta.
What is a pizza?
Where to go to see the Pieta.
What is Saint Peter's?
What is perché?
Be quiet.
What is stai (state) zitto (zitti)?
The fashion capital of Italy and perhaps the world.
What is Milan?
Check out Parma for this delicacy.
What is prosciutto?
Where you can toss those coins in your pocket.
What is the Trevi Fountain?
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
What are ieri, oggi, and domani?
I'm very hungry.
Ho molta fame.
Don't sigh as you cross this bridge.
What is Venice?
What you get if you order a cornetto vuoto.
What is a plain pastry?
A Gothic cathedral that once was the world's largest church.
What is the Duomo in Florence?
What is genitori?
I had fun!
What is mi sono divertito(a)?