The international ITE president
Who is Karen Aspelin?
What is a Single Unit Truck?
Dr. Brown famously said "Where we're going, we don't need ___"
What are Roads?
public recreation and scenic guidance
What is Brown?
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Who is Chris Kirby?
ET and Elliot famously rode on what to get home?
What is a Bike?
Motorist service guidance
What is Blue?
The past ITE president
Who is John Davis?
What is Inherently Low Emission Vehicle?
The Beatles sang "Yes, I'm going to be a star, Baby you can drive my ____"
What is Car?
Exclusively for yield signs
What is an Equilateral Triangle?
What is the Federal Transit Administration?
The Southern District international director
Who is Becky Rogers?
What is Percent of Free Flow Speed?
Queen sang about this speed competition
What is Bicycle Race?
School advance and school crossing signs
What is a Pentagon?
What is the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act?
The last SDITE president
Who is Lindsay Walker?
What is a Conventional School Bus for 65 Passengers?
This 2006 song by Snow Patrol is famously used during sad scenes of Grey's Anatomy
What is Chasing Cars?
Advanced warning of no passing zones
What is a Pennant?
What is Safe, accountable, flexible, and efficient transportation equity act - a legacy for users?