Aperture works like what human body part
Human Eye
What are the three parts of the exposure triangle
Aperture, Iso, Shutter Speed
What are the effects of a lower ISO value
Darker Image
Aperture not only affects the brightness of an image but also the area that is in ___________
ISO can be defined as a film or Camera sensor's sensitivity to _________
Should you adjust your ISO before or after you adjust your aperture
F1.4 - F4 Would be considered what size aperture
What is a direct effect of increasing your ISO ?
Noise and Grain
What would be considered a medium Aperture
F 8 - F14
F16- F22 Would be considered what size aperture ?
To shoot an image with the least amount of grain and the most dynamic range you need to shoot at the cameras
Native ISO
How does Aperture and ISO work together?
Light enters through the aperture opening and hits the sensor (ISO) to produce an image
The size of a cameras aperture can be described in what numerical system
F Numbers
To shoot an image with the least amount of grain and the most dynamic range you need to shoot at the cameras
Native ISO
What does Dynamic Range measure?
The range from the brightest part of the image to darkest spots of image