Space, Furnishings & Program Structure
Personal Care Routines
Listening, Talking
& Interactions

How would you know if your furniture is child sized?

Feet touch the ground when sitting in chairs, elbows rest on the table, promotes self help, convenient


What are the proper components for a meal?

Milk, protein, grain, 2 servings of veggie/fruit.

What kind of words or phrases should be used?

Simple and descriptive


How many examples of fine motor activities should be present, and what are some examples?

at least 5

Infants: grasping toys, busy boxes, nesting cups, textured toys, containers to fill & dump

Toddlers: shape sorter, large string beads, big pegs and boards, simple puzzles, pop beads, stacking rings, nesting cups, interlocking blocks, crayons


A special area protected from active play with many soft toys with soft, cushioned furnishings that is accessible most of the day.

Cozy area


A time to share information about the child's day/night with a parent.



Staff asking simple questions and maintain a good balance of listening and talking is what?

EXTRA: How many instances need to be observed on the good level?

Helping children use language



How many types of surfacing should be in the active physical play area?



How many play spaces should be provided for toddlers indoors (on the 7 level)?

3: active, quiet and messy


A supervised, relaxing time of day that is flexible and individualized



Having a wide selection of books is required, what are those categories?

People of varying races, ages and abilities; animals; familiar objects; familiar routines.


On the 7 level, what are the items needed in the block area?

Space out of the way, three sets of 10 or more blocks and accessories (cars/trucks, people, animals)


Materials that staff talk about, that are conveniently placed for children to see that are also positive and multicultural. HINT: Some may even be artwork done by the children.



What are the steps to a proper diaper change?

Gather materials, bring the child to the table, remove soiled diaper, clean the child, throw diaper away with gloves in trash can, wipe your hands with wipe, wipe child's hands with wipe, put on clean diaper, wash child's hands, clean table with soapy water and disinfectant, wash your hands.


How many books are required in an ITERS classroom at the 5 level?

12 appropriate books but no less than 2 per child in the group.


On the 7 level, how many different art materials should be offered? What are they?

3 different types: crayons, watercolor markers, brush and fingerpaints, playdoh, collage materials of different textures


Provides balance of indoor and outdoor activities, as well as, active and quiet activities but can be flexible and individualized.



Entering classroom, before and after meals, after diaper change, before and after messy play, after outdoors, after contact with bodily fluids, to name a few.

Appropriate times to wash hands


1. Staff explain children's actions, intentions and feelings to other children. On the 7 level, how many times should this be observed?

2. Staff point out and talk about instances of positive social interaction among children or between adults and children. On the 7 level, how many times should this be observed?

1. At least 2

2. At least 1

*In a 3-hour observation


On the 7 level, how many different types of music should be used regularly?

EXTRA: how often should toys be rotated?


EXTRA: monthly


Time during the day where children pick their activities, and staff are actively involved.

EXTRA: How many instances of supervision used as an educational interaction must be observed, on the 7 level?




What are some indoor safety hazards to look for?

No safety covers on outlets, strings and cords accessible, anything with KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN accessible, water on surfaces or too hot, tripping hazards, choking hazards, toys hung across cribs, babies placed on stomachs to sleep, picking up children by hands or arms, non sturdy furniture, thumbtacks or staples, etc.


On the 7 level, when it comes to DISCIPLINE, two indicators must be observed at least once (each). What are they?

1. Staff help children understand the effects of their own actions on others.

2. Staff help children learn to use communication rather than aggression to solve problems. 


On the good level, infants require 3-5 examples and toddlers require 2 or more of each example for dramatic play materials. What are they examples o materials?

Infants: Dolls, soft animals, pots/pans, telephones

Toddlers: utensils and food, dress up clothes, child sized furniture, small buildings and accessories, dolls and doll furniture/accessories, soft animals, telephones.