Jewish Food
Jewish Geography
Jewish Traditions
Famous Jews

Baked pudding or casserole, made from egg noodles or potato. 

What is kugel?


The location of the burial site of Queen Esther.

What is Iran?


At this life ritual, boys and girls are officially welcomed into adulthood.

What is a bar or bat (b'nei) mitzvah (mitzvot)?


The English actor most widely known for his role in the Harry Potter saga born to Marcia Gresham from South Africa.

Who is Daniel Radcliff?


A fish dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish. 

What is gefilte fish?


The home of Kabbalah in Israel.

What is Tzfat/Safed?


In some sects of Judaism, a boy must be this old to receive his first hair cut.

What is three years old?


65 years old, he starred in Jurasic Park and until recently had a regular gig at Los Feliz in Los Angeles where he played jazz piano to an intimate crowd.

Who is Jeff Goldblum?


Jews of Iraquí heritage like to break Yom Kippur fast with these tasty treats and are also widely eaten on Purim.

What are almond cardamom cookies - hadgi badam?


The city established by Abraham.

What is Be'er Sheva?


L'chayim! This action marks the end of a wedding ceremony.

What is the smashing of the glass?


Most well known her from the Big Bang Theory, this actress also starred in the 90s classic "Blossom." 

Who is Mayim Bialik? 


These vine leaf rolls are very popular amongst Jews from Greece, Turkey and other Balkan countries.

What are dolmas?


The four seas located in and surrounding Israel.

What is the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Sea of Galilee, and the Dead Sea?


Traditionally, you do not say "mazel tov" to expectant parents. Rather, you say this phrase.

What is B'sha'a Tova?


Originally from our neighbor to the north, this rapper only loves his bed and his mom. 

Who is Drake?