Computer programs and the associated documentation
What is software?
Conversant in all disciplines
What is a fullstack programmer?
Knowledge is fragmented
What is an information island?
Usable, maintainable and reliable
What is good software?
What is Internet of Things?
Multiperson development of multi-version programs
What is software engineering
The approximate cost of software
What are 60% development and 40% maintenance?
Concerned with performance
Who are IoT programmers?
The gap between what is known and documented
What is tribal knowledge
It extends code to include maintenance of the code
What is software engineering?
Work with data
Who are database programmers
The concept of Chesterson's fence
What is understand before removing?
Software is sustainable
You are capable of reacting to whatever valuable change comes along.
Cloud services
Who are backend programmers?
Canonical documentation
What is standard documentation?