One of the fastest sorting algorithms.
What is Merge sort / quicksort / heapsort / shellsort?
The definition of the type String.
What is [Char]?
The primary os for Apple's Mac computers .
What is macOS?
Misleads users of its true intent by disguising itself as a standard program.
What is Trojan horse?
A type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software.
What is API?
What is DFS / BFS?
An alternative to the type String.
What is Text / Bytestring?
A Linux distribution.
What is Ubuntu / Centos / Arch / Mint / ...?
Replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code into those programs.
What is a Computer virus?
A short written summary of a person's career, qualifications, and education.
What is CV?
A self-balancing binary tree.
What is AVL / Red-Black / Treap / Splay / 2-3 tree?
Defines a new type that is distinct from an existing type but has the same underlying representation.
What is newtype?
A computer program that runs as a background process.
What is a daemon?
Encrypts the victim's personal data until $$$ is paid.
What is Ransomware?
FAANG consists of these 5 companies.
What is Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google?
Solves the "shortest path problem".
What is Dijkstra's / Bellman–Ford / A* search / Floyd–Warshall / Johnson's / Viterbi algorithm?
A style of building the structure and elements of computer programs that treats all computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions.
What is purely functional programming?
A biblical-themed lightweight os.
What is TempleOS?
Replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.
What is a computer worm?
Qualification provided by a college or a university.
What is Bachelor's / honour's / Master's degree?
Computational complexity of matrix multiplication.
What is O(n2.8074) / O(n2.371339 )?
The name of "<>" operation.
What is diamond?
The most popular os.
What is Android?
The process of a program breaking out of the virtual machine.
What is virtual machine (VM) escape?
This analogy was used to explain Backend, Frontend and API.
What is a restaurant?