How many minutes are in 1 hour.
60 minutes
It's five o'clock.
You study numbers and logic.
How many minutes are in half an hour?
30 minutes.
Spell your favourite subject.
How many hours are in one day?
24 hours
What time is it now?
Paint, drawing, sculpting...
If you sleep for half a day, how many hours do you sleep?
12 hours.
Spell the subject which you usually play sports
P-h-y-s-i-c-a-l E-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n
What time is midday?
It's 12 o'clock
It's a quarter past 12.
You study technology and working on computers.
Computer Science (ICT)
If you sleep for 8 hours everyday, how many hours do you sleep in a week?
56 hours
Spell the subject you study at Red Balloon.
What time does our Red Balloon Class start?
At twenty past 2.
It's a quarter to 12.
The study of chemicals, life forms, the human body and others...
How many days are there in November?
30 days.
Spell the number of hours are in a day.
t-w-e-n-t-y f-o-u-r
What time is midnight?
It's 00:00 o'clock.
It's twenty to 7.
You study about maps, land, sea, countries and capitals.
How many hours are in a week?
168 hours.
Spell your favourite subject backwards