Give me time
Take your time
Time out
The wrong time
Time of your life

List 5 time expressions for simple past

Yesterday morning/night/afternoon/evening Last night/week/month/summer/semester/year/class 2 days ago/weeks ago/months ago/semesters ago/summers ago/years ago/hours ago/minutes ago/seconds ago In October/1962

Create sentences for: often, in 5 years, yesterday
I often drink coffee in the morning. In 5 years, I will write a novel. Yesterday I went shopping with my friends.
Fill in the blank with the correct TE I _______ study every morning at 9am.
usually (any adverb of frequency is correct)
Correct the mistake in time expression I always do my homework yesterday.
I always do my homework everyday.
Answer questions about your life What are some of your habits now? Past habits?
These days I usually drink a cup of coffee every morning. I always go to bed before midnight. In the past, I ate a lot of junk food and didn't exercise enough.
List 5 time expressions for present progressive
Now, at the moment, right now, currently, these days This week/month/year/semester/summer etc For an hour/2 days/2 months/2 years/2 semesters weeks/years/months/semesters/summers
Create sentences for: last week, while, tomorrow
Last week, I drove to Toronto. While I was studying English, Matt was studying Math. Tomorrow I will write my final exam.
Fill in the blank with the correct TE ________ I went to the library to study for my test.
Yesterday, last night, last week..etc (most past time expressions work)
Correct the time expressions 5 years ago, he will graduate from university.
In 5 years, he will graduate from university.
What is something fun you did in the past?
3 years ago, I flew in a plane over top of the rocky mountains. It was beautiful.
List some time expressions for past progressive
when, while, during
Create sentences for: 2 weeks ago, this week, in 2 weeks
2 weeks ago, Jax and Logan went hiking. This week, Jax and Logan are writing their final exam. In 2 weeks, Jax and Logan will be in China with their family.
Fill in the blank with the correct TE ________ I will travel to Mexico for a vacation.
Next week/month/year Use future time expressions with will
Correct the time expressions While he turned on the lights, I was sleeping.
When he turned on the lights, I was sleeping
What are 3 interesting things you want to do in the future?
This holiday, I will read a few books about motivation, growth and goal setting. Next year, I will visit New York for a few days. In 5 years, I hope to make my own English teaching text book.
List 5 time expressions for simple present
Often usually sometimes never frequently occasionally always almost always hardly ever rarely never ever Everyday/morning/afternoon/evening/night/year/summer/ class/semester
Create a sentence for: when, at the moment, this semester
When I was a child, I often wore small pink boots. At the moment, I'm eating ice cream. This semester, we are studying science and math.
Fill in the blank with the correct TE _________ I was cooking dinner, my friend was washing the dishes.
Correct the time expressions When he was playing music, they were dancing.
While he was playing music, they were dancing.
While you were in high school, what were you doing?
While I was in high school, I was playing soccer and participating in the debate club. I was also working two jobs.
List 5 time expressions for future verbs
In 2 days/weeks/years/months/hours/minutes Next Friday/week/month/year/semester/time Tomorrow/tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening/night
Create a sentence for: yesterday morning, during, sometimes
Yesterday morning, I saw a man fall off his bike. During class today, Andy made a funny noise. Sometimes our teacher tells bad jokes.
Fill in the blank with the correct TE __________ my friend came in the house, I was watching TV.
Correct the time expressions Tomorrow I did my homework and I watched TV. Tonight I went to bed after I brushed my teeth. Yesterday morning I will drink coffee and eat cereal because I eat cereal every night. However, tomorrow I had eggs and bacon.
Yesterday I did my homework and I watched TV. Last night I went to bed after I brushed my teeth. Tomorrow morning I will drink coffee and eat cereal because I eat cereal every morning. However, yesterday I had eggs and bacon.
What are some bad things you did when you were a child?
When I was a child, I often fought with my brother. I also chased my fathers chickens and laughed because they made funny noises.