Colors that end in "urple"
Words that rhyme with dog
Peanut butter and crackers
1990s rap songs
What women want
This person wrote: I want to wish you the very best in your retirement. You certainly deserve it. I do hope you will be in the Ann Arbor area sometime this summer. If so, please let me know as it would be great to have lunch. Again, please accept my congratulations on a superb career. I really enjoyed working with your both as a manufacturer and on the retail level. I appreciate your dedication to the manufacturers and your clients. Now go enjoy your family.
Who is David Watson
This person wrote: Congratulations on your retirement! Count me jealous. It has been a great pleasure to have worked with you over the years. You are the best and have always been most helpful. You certainly deserve to enjoy the rest of your life with your family. I miss you already. :-(
Who is Corey Kapteyn
This person wrote: I'm nothing but happy for you and Sheri. I hope you have a very long and healthy retirement. I still remember you as the first rep who was nice to me when I first started in the business. I never forgot that, and you never were anything but professional and nice all through the years.
Who is Ron Biermacher
This person wrote: Thank you for all the personal interest and support you have provided me through the years, even though Bud wouldn’t let you in the store when I was at AV Showcase. (lol) If you have an hour open between now and July, please let me know. I would like the opportunity to take you to lunch, to talk about the fun times we shared, and wish you the best for your happiness in the future.
Who is Ron Czarnik
This person wrote: Well I’m glad to hear that you're finally going to retire. If anybody deserves it, it’s you! I’ve always known you to be the hardest working man in the industry. Your work ethic, tenacity, follow up and professionalism are traits seldom found in our industry (or any industry for that matter) any more and it's been an absolute pleasure to work with you over the past 20 years. I hope your future is filled with more time for family, friends and golf!
Who is Phil Littell
This person smiles every time he thinks of the words "negative homage" and "a whole lot of fun at Charley's in Las Vegas"
Who is Walt Rising
This person wrote: I guess I would call this good news/bad news. Good for you - a little more traveling, maybe a little more golf and taking it easy when you want to. Bad news for us - we will miss you! It was always good to see you. Congratulations to both you and Sheri. I will never forget when I was just starting with Classic - I called Bob Boyle Sales and Sheri answered the phone and said, "I'm in the middle of canning tomatoes, let me call you back."
Who are Erica DeVries and Steve
This person would like to make it clear that he really likes soccer, and that people from Minnesota aren't wimps when it comes to weather. He is impervious to cold.
Who is Pat Mountain
This person wrote: I will miss him more than most, as Bob was around at the beginning of my career in retail and a role model whose footsteps I followed into the world of being a representative. Please make sure to drop him a note, give him a ring, type him a text or send up smoke signals but most of all be sure to “Raise a Glass” and heartily congratulate my friend on a job well done! He deserves it!
Who is Chet Davis
Robert E. Boyle was not only the finest dealer representative I ever knew but also as fine a man. He and Sheri were wonderful to call friends and we have always considered them very special. In the A/V business, the qualities Bob possessed were unusual, even unheard of. He was as honest and true to his word as any man I ever had the fortune to meet. He said what he meant and meant what he said. His handshake was an iron clad contract. Few individuals have had as much impact on my life and career as Bob has. I will never forget his kindness, generosity and, especially his honesty. Very few of my acquaintances can approach the level of integrity that Bob Boyle did. Congratulations to one of the finest individuals I have the pleasure to know. I also will never forget the evenings at "The Prairie" in Chicago, still one of the greatest gastronomic experiences of my life.
Who is Jim Coash
This person wrote: We at Automation Design + Entertainment will miss you, Bob, and we wish you all the best in your retirement, my friend!
Who is Peter Cook
This couple wrote: "Hey Bob, thanks for the feast of pizza and comradery you provided at Oblio's way back when!"
Who are Neil and Brenda
This person wrote: "Bob is responsible for convincing me that soccer was the way to go with my kids as they reached the age to start playing sports, by constantly preaching the simplicity and beauty of the sport... 'only 17 total rules' is what sticks in my mind. Now I am chasing a 16-year-old daughter who is playing premier all over the country
Who is Tim Westrate
This person wrote: "...a great man, and a wealth of knowledge. The care for his dealers is definitely felt, and I'll genuinely miss his frequent, and usually long winded phone calls. :) The brands he represents are some of the most prestigious, and that's fitting, because he is an excellent person; Always selling with integrity. The enthusiasm he has for a product line is contagious, and as Zig Ziglar said, "For every sale you miss because you're too enthusiastic, you will miss a hundred because you're not enthusiastic enough". So, Bob, Thank You! Congratulations on retirement, and may God Bless you and your family for many years to come!
Who is Walt Vanden Berg
This person wrote: "My words will describe him as a Mentor and friend. I actually met Bob early in my electronics career. Just 25 years old, I was promoted to a buying position with my company and boy, I had a lot to learn. There were a few Reps in the industry, Bob being one that taught me everything about not just products , but, how to negotiate in a proper manner, and most importantly, how to treat people. When I opened my own installation company, Bob continued to mentor me and always provided sage advice along the way. I could count on him for good insight that would help me overcome the many challenges of having your own company. Most of all, I enjoyed our numerous conversations about our kids – especially the ones centered around their soccer careers. We both fell in love with soccer through our kids and loved exchanging stories of their games! I will miss you Bob and hopefully I won’t be too far behind you! Enjoy your family and kicking back.
Who is Harry Lamauro