Triton College

What colleges can I go to after I attend Triton College?

You can transfer to any 4 year University or College.


The person who does the hiring and works with employee benefits?

What is a Human Resource manager?


What does CPA stand for? 

 Certified Public Accountant


How many years does it take to complete your Associates Degree?

2 years


My job is similar to a principal, I am in charge. But I work in a business not a school.

What is a manager?


Business/Finance majors can branch out into many different career fields. Which of these jobs would you most likely get with a Business/Finance major: A) Physician's Assistant, B) Psychologist, OR C) Computer Technician?

C) Computer Technician


How much does it cost to go to Triton?

Triton College tuition is $3,540 per year for in-district residents, or $128 per credit hour.


The person who pays bills, taxes, and creates financial statements.

What is an accountant?


In 2009, the college degree in most demand for the entire United States was which of these three: A) Computer Science, B) Business Economics/Finance, OR C) Psychology?

B) Business Economics/Finance


Does Triton College have an active Student Life?

YES!  You can join the student government, inter-mural sport teams, be in a play, join Accounting Club, and many many more activities are available to Triton College students


Part of my job is to come up with catchy slogans or commercials to help sell a product.

What is an advertising agent?


For the year 2012, a strong employment growth was predicted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for which of these: A) Engineering Jobs, B) Sports Medicine Jobs, OR C) Finance-related Jobs?

C) Finance-related Jobs


Do I just take my General Education classes if I attend Triton?

No!  You can choose from over 150 combined associate degree and certification programs.


Employee that oversees the financial department.

What is a financial manager?


According to CNBC, In 2011 "Accounting" was what rank on the top 10 most sought-after degrees: A) Ranked 5, B) Ranked 1, or C) Ranked 10?

B) Ranked 1