Parts of the Amphitheatre
Deus Ex Machina
Plot Structure
Extra, Extra!

It is called the "seeing place" and it is where the audience would sit. 

What is theatron or koilon? 


This philosopher wrote a book called The Poetics, explaining about drama in the 6th century. 

Who is Aristotle? 


This god of theatre and wine was celebrated in Athens, Greece every year. 

Who is Dionysus? 


This is at the beginning of the story. It explains the plot, characters, mood, etc. 

What is exposition? 


This actor is known to play bigger than life characters and was recently in the reboot of Jumanji and was a "rock" star in the wrestling ring. 

Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson? 


This part of the amphitheater is where the performers would act out the production. 

What is the orchestra? 


Complete the blank: A________________hero is a hero in tragedies. 

What is tragic? 


This goddess gets very jealous when Zeus goes and flirts with other women. 

Who is Hera? 


This is where the main even happens. It can also be a big reveal of the story. 

What is the climax? 


If you are turn in any work late, this is how many points you loose a day.

What is five? 


The alter called this was in the middle of the orchestra. 

What is thymele? 


This is when you have an overall message to convey (express) to the audience. It is one of Aristotle's Elements of Drama. 

What is theme? 


Deus ex machina means this.

What is god from the machine? 


The plot structure must have this in order to wrap up the story.

What is the conclusion, resolution, or denouement?


In this joke there was a reason 6 was afraid of 7.

What is because 7 ate 9? 


This is a place where actors would change out of masks and robes. If actors left the space, then it symbolized them coming from a temple or palace. 

What is the scene (SKAY-NUH)? 


Aristotle believed that tragic heroes must have this in order for the audience to see themselves as that person. 

What is hamartia or tragic flaw? 


This dynamic duo has recently been adapted into a modern version called Lore Olympus. The Greeks believed this is why we have four seasons. 

Who are Hades and Persephone? 

This is where the consequences/events happen after the climax.

What is the falling action? 


These girls believe that they could get away with one, if not the, most heinous crime in this musical dramedy. 

What is Heathers


The parodoi symbolizes which different areas that actors entered the playing space. 

What is on the right it was the port/city and on the left it was a field/abroad? 


A tragic hero must have a ____________in order to learn from their mistakes and reflect on past actions. 

What is a fall? 


Greek theatre performances used _____________ since it was a part of their religious practice during the Dionysian Festival. 

What is Greek mythology? 


This can be used to help map out a story. 

What is plot structure? 


This show was the longest running on Broadway before moving back in 2022. *100 Point Bonus if you can get how many years it ran*

What is Phantom of the Opera? (35 years)