Parts of the Theatre
Theatre Cast
Greek Gods
Parts of the Play
Liminal Beings
It was a level space where the chorus would dance, sing, and interact with the actors. In the center was often a thymele, or altar.
What is the orchestra?
This character is in conflict with the protagonist
What is the antagonist?
The "king" of the Olympian Gods
Who is Zeus?
Choral odes following each scene or episode in a Greek tragedy
What is the stasimon?
It has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman.
What is the Sphinx?
The paths by which the chorus and some actors (such as those representing messengers or people returning from abroad) made their entrances and exits. The audience also used them to enter and exit the theater before and after the performance.
What is the parados?
Serves as the “voice of the people” providing insight into the overall feeling about the events of the play
What is the chorus?
The god of healing whose oracle is in Delphi
Who is Apollo?
Part of a stasimon; the singers move up one side in the orchestra. Usually triumphant, beautiful, ecstatic.
What is the strophe?
It has the body of a horse and the torso and head of a human.
What is a centaur?
The building directly behind the stage and was usually decorated as a palace, temple, or other building, depending on the needs of the play. It had at least one set of doors, and actors could make entrances and exits through them. There was also access to the roof, so that actors playing gods and other characters could appear on the roof, if needed.
What is the skene?
The hero; precipitates the action of a play
What is the protagonist?
The goddess of war and wisdom, as well as handicrafts.
Who is Athena?
The processional of the chorus at the play’s beginning
What is the parados?
Part man and part bull, Pasiphaë nursed him in his infancy, but he grew and became ferocious; being the unnatural offspring of man and beast, he had no natural source of nourishment and thus devoured man for sustenance.
What is the Minotaur?
Where the spectators sat. This was usually part of hillside overlooking the orchestra, and often wrapped around a large portion of the orchestra. Spectators in the fifth century BC probably sat on cushions or boards, but by the fourth century many Greek theaters had marble seats.
What is the theatron?
Falls victim to his supreme pride (hubris) and seems almost a reflection of arrogance.
What is a tragic hero?
Paris chose to give the apple "For the Fairest" to this goddess.
Who is Aphrodite?
Conclusion of the play
What is the exodos?
Legs of a goat and the torso of a human
What is a satyr?
The name for the open air Greek theatre
What is an amphitheatre?
A farce or comic-relief play appended to the tragic trilogy in honor of Dionysus
What is a Satyr-play?
Theatrical performances were celebratory rites for this god, also known as the god of wine
Who is Dionysus?
A scene of lamentation in lyrical meters between actor and chorus.
What is the kommos?
Ugly, winged bird-women who abducted evil-doers and tormented them on their way to Tartarus.
What are Harpies?