Honors Advising
Academic Requirements
Graduation Distinctions
Honors Curriculum
Miscellaneous Stuff

How do you find out who your Honors Advisor is?

Log onto SAGE network 


What is the minimum required GPA for an Honors student?



How many classes does an Honors student need to complete in order to graduate with Honors? Honors transfer students?

9 classes

(6 classes)


Name 3 ways to earn Honors credit? (There are >7)

- Honors Courses (H-suffix)

- Honors Optioning

- Graduate Courses

- Honors Internship Courses

- Honors College Seminars

- CURO Undergraduate Research

- Additional approved courses


Who is the Dean of the Moorehead Honors College?

Dean Margaret Amstutz


How often must you meet with you Primary Advisor?

At minimum: once per term


Within what GPA range will a student be placed on Honors Probation?

3.00 - 3.40

What is an "upper-division" class? How many must an Honors student complete to graduate with Honors? Honors Transfer Students?

3000-level or above.

3 upper-division.

(2 upper-division)


How do you apply to Honors Option a course?

Class must be 3000-level or higher (under 6000-level)

Must be agreed to by the instructor

Must be a course taught by a full professor

Application must be complete within 15 days after drop/add


How long after dismissal from the Honors College must a student wait to reapply?

Trick Question! Dismissal is permanent.


Who clears an Honors student for Registration?

Their Primary Advisor


How many Honors courses can a student take, per semester, while on Honors Probation?

One (per semester)

What are the GPA requirements to graduate with High Honors? Highest Honors?

High Honors = 3.5 Honors GPA + 3.7 cumulative GPA

Highest Honors = 3.5 Honors GPA and 3.9 cumulative GPA


How many Honors Seminar courses need to be combined to qualify as an Honors class credit?

3 seminars (each is 1-hour credit; together they make a 3-hour credit)


Where is the Honors College housed?

Moore Hall - North Campus


Case study:

Kevin is studying Romance Languages. His Honors Advisor is Abby and his Primary Advisor, through Franklin college, is Becky. Why does Kevin need an Honors advisor?

Honors advisors are a resource! They can answer questions about meeting Honors class requirements, probation, graduating with honors, clubs, scholarship opportunities, and much more.


What GPA must an Honors student on probation maintain to avoid dismissal from the Honors college?


What is a Capstone? What are the three Capstone options in the Honors college?

A capstone is an additional project a student can complete to graduate with High or Highest Honors.

- Thesis Capstone

- Internship Capstone

- Graduate Coursework Capstone


Case Study:

Alex's Fall Semester Schedule is:

- ARHI 6000

- BIOL 2100H

- ROML 3330R

- HONS 1000H

How many Honors credits does she complete?

3, one of which is an upper-division.


2, and she gains credit towards the Graduate Capstone


What is the CURO Scholar Distinction?

An additional accolade which can be achieved by completing 9 hours of CURO research, writing a Thesis, and presenting research findings at the CURO Spring Symposium


When are Honors Advising walk-in hours?

Monday-Thursday from 2pm-4pm


How long before an Honors student is at risk for probation due to non-participation?

Two consecutive semesters of no Honors classes

What must all Honors students complete before graduation in order to graduate with Honors?

Exit Review (via the Honors Network)


What is an Honors Seminar?

A 1-credit hour class, offered only in the Spring, and which is graded Pass/Fail


Case Study:

A student has a 3.94 cumulative GPA, has completed 11 Honors courses, 5 of which are upper division, and has taken three graduate courses. What must they do to graduate with Honors? 

Complete their exit review before graduation