The first thing you should ask a user
What is your name or USD ID number?
The information needed to log in to eduroam
What is the full email address and password?
The most frequent way that we get contacted
What is
The first place you check for more information on an issue
Knowledge Bases
The applications that we use for VPN
What is aruba and duo?
The procedure that requires a copy of the user's government-issued ID
What is Manual Password Reset?
The alternative way to register for classes and where to find it
What is old add/drop? Located in portal -> academics -> additional links?
The ITS Phone number
What is 619-260-7900?
The application with unlimited storage that all USD students have access to both a student and as an alumni
What is GSuite (Google Drive)?
What to do with Loaner Request cases
What is assign to Maureen Dominguez and Academic Labs?
The procedure to transfer to TSS phone support
What is initiate a warm transfer and assign the case?
If a user has no Microsoft license assigned to them
What is have the user fill out a Microsoft Office Software Request form?
The team that assists with Blackboard issues and their email address
What is Learning Design Center (LDC) and ?
The names of the phone analysts this year
What are Darrell, Stephanie, Gil, and Melanie?
What is update the case info with contact name, alternate email, category, etc?
The steps to order a transcript
What is MySanDiego -> My academics -> My Classes -> Request Transcript?
The theme of this year's tech team
What is cartoon techwork?
The software page URL and example of software you can find
What is and SPSS (or other)?
The names of the lead team this year
What is Gretta, Anna, Andrew P, Andrew T, Abby, Dani, Lexi, and Perry
Information needed for Printer Mapping and troubleshooting
What is room #, printer make and model, and computer barcode?
The google disable procedure when the user calls in
What is connect with a lead or analyst, update the case, and close the case?
The team that deals with complicated Panopto issues and their email address
What is Faculty Support and
What is "Olympic-Announcements" channel on Discord?
The theme of the 2017-2018 tech team
What is smash bros?!?