Fall Holidays
Fall Activities
Fall jokes
Fall Food
Fall Random
Fall Facts

What holiday do people dress up and go door to door getting candy



This fall activity involves a squash, a scoop, and a carving knife. 

Pumpkin carving


Who won the skeleton costume contest?

 no body


What is the most popular fall fruit, that comes in over 2,500 varieties in America alone.  Free Hint:  Don't overthink it, and it's used to make one of America's most popular pies.



Which country invented bobbing for apples?

a) America

b) Australia

c) England

d) Germany

Although the modern version is now typically played by people bobbing into buckets of water to catch an apple with their mouth, the original game was actually once a British courting ritual. Males were assigned an apple, whilst the female would bob for them, hoping to get the right apple from the man she wanted. If she did, it was a sign that they were destined to be together.


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What is Foliage?

A) Foil

B) The different colors of leaves to a tree or plant 

C) To fool someone

D) To know someone's age

B) The different colors of leaves to a tree or plant


Which month contains the first day of fall



These are made for fun but also to scare off birds from damaging or eating crops.



how do you repair a broken jack-o-lantern 

with a pumpkin patch


What is the most common main dish served at Thanksgiving?


88% of Americans surveyed by the National Turkey Federation eat turkey on Thanksgiving.


This fluttering fella is the only insect that migrates up to 2,500 miles for nicer weather.

A) Monarch Butterfly

B) Raven

C) Flamingo

D) Bald Eagle

Monarch Butterfly

The Monarch butterfly dislikes winter so much that it’ll fly South from America to the warmth of Mexico and parts of California at a speed between 12 and 25 miles per hour


______ forget about the majority of nuts they bury, which helps regrow forests.
A. Squirrels

B. Ants

C. Rabbits

D. Gophers

A. Squirrels

 One 1998 study by the University of Richmond found that squirrels fail to recover up to 74 percent of the nuts they bury, which is likely responsible for oak forest regeneration.


What is a holiday celebrated by Canadians and Americans on different days?


In Canada it is on October 9th, while here it will be on November 23rd


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This activity can involve pitching, roasting, grilling, fishing, and telling stories.



What does the pumpkin waer when its cold

a harVEST


What is one of the most popular baked pastry dish that can be made with either fruit, meat or vegetables.




The one type of tree that never loses it's leaves or color (Hint is in the name)

A) Pine tree

B) Palm Tree

C) Evergreen Tree

D) Apple Tree 

An evergreen tree


Americans buy enough candy during Halloween week to fill six ____.
A. Titanics

B. Football Fields

C. Grocery Stores

D. Buses

A. Titanics

On Halloween, we spend an estimated $9 billion on it. In fact, according to Vox, "If you took all the candy that's sold during Halloween week and turned it into a giant ball … it'd be as large as six Titanics and weigh 300,000 tons."


What is the name of the day where people shop some of the best deals of the year? 

Black Friday


On how many continents can you grow pumpkins?

a) 1

b) 3

c) 4

d) 6



Why cant you ever tell secret in a field of corn

because corn has ears


Popular seasonal drink flavor served in the fall that came about in 2003 from Starbucks. Today, Starbucks reports over 20 million are sold in latte form each year.  Free Hint:  It's a spice flavor that is mainly popular in coffee.

Pumpkin spice

The pumpkin spice flavour profile has been around for centuries. The earliest-known “pumpkin spice” reference dates back to a British recipe from 1675 with pepper, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Other recipes also contain ginger and/or all spice


True or False: Autumn babies live longer


Although the days might be getting shorter, those born in Autumn could live longer, according to a study carried out by the Journal of Aging Research. The study found that 30% of US centenarians born during 1880-1895 were born in the Autumn season.


As it gets colder in the Fall, what is the degrees at which water freezes?

32 Degrees Fahrenheit


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Which month contains the last day of fall?



What are the two most common food items that families/friends most commonly go out and pick during September and October.  Free Hint:  They're common fruits in the fall and one of them is the most common fruit that everyone eats all year long.

Pumpkins and apples


What did autumn say to summer

I FALLow you anywhere.


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A sticky treat made specially during Halloween and fall harvest (Hint: it is served on a stick)

Candy apple


How many countries call it fall instead of autumn?

a) 1

b) 3

c) 5

d) 7

1. Good ole USA

The season was originally just called harvest and autumn came around much later in the 1300s, according to CNN. When English poets started using the phrase “the fall of leaves” it became very fashionable to call the season fall. But by the mid-1800s, after the split of the colonies from England led to language change,  England reverted back to Autumn and the American upstarts retained fall. 


What sound does a female turkey make

1. gobble

2. cackles

3. no sound



This holiday honors people who fought for our country (USA).

Veterans Day


Which of the following 2 fall activities can promote heart health?

a) visiting a haunted house

b) eating candy corn

c) watching scary movies

d) carving pumpkins

A &C

Some medical professionals believe that an innocent scare now and then (say while visiting a haunted house or watching a scary movie) can, in fact, promote heart health. 

Michael Castine, cardiologist at Ochsner Medical Center, explained that when scared, a person's adrenaline triggers the blood vessels to contract and re-direct blood toward the heart and lungs, in a "flight or fight" response. The result? "This can train your heart to pump more blood with every stroke—increasing your cardiac output up to eight times its resting capacity," Castine explained.


What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter.  

pumpkin pi


A pumpkin is made up of approximately how much water?

A. 45%

B. 60%

C. 80%

C. 80% Pumpkins are 80-90% water


Besides pies, what were pumpkins also used for in the old days? (You must pick 2 answers)

a) remove freckles

b) cure snake bites

c) soothe a tooth ache

d) help fingernails shine

A & B) To remove freckles and cure snake bites.


Unscramble this word

kiumnpp cespi

Pumpkin spice