The main ingredient of this cookie is coconut.
This is the number one selling Girl Scout cookie in America.
Thin Mints
A Girl Scout should always be accompanied by an ______ when she is selling cookies.
A box of cookies costs this much.
Fix the following sales pitch: "Hi! Buy some cookies, please."
A good sales pitch should include: your name, how your troop plans to use the money, your goal, the cost of each box. Don't forget to say "thank you!"
This is the name of the only gluten free Girl Scout cookie.
These cookies are baked with inspirational quotes to reflect the entrepreneurial spirit of Girl Scouts.
Lemon Ups
I should wear this every time I am selling Girl Scout cookies.
my sash/vest (uniform)
Six boxes of cookies cost this much.
You're working your troop's cookie booth and need to use the restroom.
Ask an adult at your table to go with you. Never go alone.
This brownie-inspired cookie is topped with caramel creme and a hint of sea salt.
This cookie is inspired by the original Girl Scout cookie recipe.
True or False: It is okay to walk up to random cars to sell cookies.
False - NEVER walk up to a vehicle you do not know.
True or False: I have to collect money right away when selling cookies.
False - Money can be collected early, but it isn't due until the cookies are delivered.
You are signed up to help with your troop's cookie booth, but you become sick. This is what you should do.
Contact the troop leader and let them know.
Name the two cookies made with peanut butter.
Do-si-dos and Tagalongs
True or False: The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the world's largest girl-run business in the world.
True or False: It is not okay to sell cookies on Facebook.
False - Digital Cookie sites can be shared on personal Facebook pages set to private.
A customer owes $18 for the cookies he bought, meaning he bought this many boxes.
the beginning of March
Thin Mints, Do-si-dos
This is the last year of sales for this cookie.
Girl Scout S'mores
Where is a safe place to set up a cookie booth at a store?
Outside on a sidewalk, inside the store lobby
A customer buys 4 boxes of cookies and gives you $30. This is how much change they will receive.
$30 - 24 = $6
A customer said they would like to support my troop, but they do not eat cookies. I can tell them: ___________________.
They can donate cookies to local heroes.