This person has a 3D printer in the office.
Who is Nathanael (Nate) Suneson?
This person was the former STAC President.
Who is Alessandra (Ale) Ceccarelli?
This group won the Halloween Decoration Competition in 2023.
Who is ITS?
Who is Cornelia (Connie) Laing?
This person hated being our supervisor last year. They couldn't take the heat...
Who is Cornelia (Connie) Laing?
This person was the first student to be on the Student Spotlight board.
Who is Julio Melara?
This platform is replacing TigerPaws.
What is WorkDay?
This person had a BRAT summer.
Who is Robert Miller?
Smiles and waves
Who is Martha Moreno?
The newest employee for ITS.
Who is Jacob Tovar?
The sport teams that the President and Vice President are a part of.
What are soccer and swim?
This speed is the limit for the fastest golf cart.
What is 25 mph?
This person just got promote to CIO.
Who is Ender Ergun?
Who is Jenna Ryan?
The location of where Nicholas (Nick) Rangel's desk is at.
What is Connie's old desk?
Where is the front left desk in TSS?
This person has a dog name Modelo.
Who is Teresa (Teri) McManus?
This is the abbreviation for the Library.
What is EHCL?
This person is featured on the Polaroid Wall in the center of the heart.
Who is Ben Lim?
Who is William (Will) Kitto?
This is where Kevin Samp was stationed for the Military.
What is New Jersey?
This person has the most amount of tickets for student workers.
Who is William (Will) Kitto?
This task is the worst task to be assigned to.
What is a Robert Task?
This person made the Grinch decoration near the entrance of ITS.
Who is Marina Walton?
Who is Kevin Samp?