How many other "Ninas" has Nina met and where
1. Summer Camp
What did I accuse Noah of stealing when in reality I just pushed it under my bed?
tooth money
What was my favorite subject/topic in my Physical Science class
How and where did I skin my leg while on a vacation?
Bike riding on the boardwalk
What word did I spell wrong in the school spelling bee and the placement overall
Whom was I dressed as for my elementary school wax museum assignment?
*Bonus 50 if you can name one that Noah was*
Alice Cooper
* John Mccain
What pets has Nina had or have in her years of life (own)?
1. Dogs
2. Fish
What tv show was I binge watching in 2021
Criminal Minds
What happened after I skinned my knee in class?
I started to laugh/cry
What states fish did I learn to spell and had a t-shirt of?
What incidents happened to me on my first day of 3rd grade?
Basketball and football hit me on the head (different times)
What item did I lose on the boat in Rocky Point?
Sunglasses I bought 10 minutes prior
Whom was I dressed as for my 3rd grade historical presentation?
Rosa Parks
Which of the following is Not a way I have been injured?
1. Stabbed by a pencil
2. Poked by a thumbtack
3. Burned by toothpaste in the eye
4. Burned by burger grease in the eye
5. Cut by blade
1. Stabbed by a pencil
What way did I flirt with my junior high crush during math class?
Like I'm going to embarrass myself even more jeez!
Name of creatures I farmed and accidently murdered as a child
Rollie Pollies
Who has NOT had their finger smashed in a door by a friend or sibling?
1. Ryan
2. Me
3. Maggie
4. Noah
3. Maggie
What 3 summer classes has Nina taken that she liked?
1. Art class
2. CSI Class
3. Novel Writing 101
How did I cut my shoulder/arm multiple times from the same thing as a kid?
Exposed wall corner featuring nails
What sport did I play where I didn't understand the team's routine until the final game of the season?
What color was the sled I rode on before my traumatic near death close to possibly ptsd sledding experience?
What was my first drive-in movie and what food item did I share with my cousins' friend's sister?
The Amazing Spiderman
A pickle
What was the only drink I ordered the entire time I was in St. Thomas?
Virgin Pina Colada
Who smashed my finger in a door?
1. Noah
2. Ryan
3. Me (haha yeah right)
4. Stella
5. My mom
What sporting event did I get disqualified for in every single one?
What place did I get the one time?